Viz Artist User Guide
Version 3.12 | Published October 17, 2019 ©
Working with Video Items
There are several types of Media Assets that allow input sources to scenes as video clips, live video, video stream, graphics channels, image channels or super channels to be added.
Channel Folder Media Assets represent the rendered background and foreground graphics on the DVE Compositor. There are two channels, Background and Foreground, that can be used simultaneously.
Clip Channel
Clip Channels are used for displaying video clips. There are 16 Clip Channels available that can be used simultaneously.
GFX Channel
Graphics (GFX) Channels allow a designer to compose several independent scenes into a new scene. There are 16 Graphic Channels available that can be used simultaneously.
Image Channel
Image Channels are mainly used in conjunction with Viz Multiplay for creating video wall layouts, but can also be used to add images to a 2D environment in DVE mode. There are 16 Image Channels available that can be used simultaneously.
Live Channels are used to display Live Video feeds. There are eight Live Channels available that can be used simultaneously.
Stream Channels are for IP-based live Video streams. There are 16 Stream Channels available that can be used simultaneously.
Super Channel
Super Channels provide a generic tool to create and group transitions between various types of assets in Viz Artist. There are eight Super Channels available that can be used simultaneously.
See Also