Viz Artist User Guide
Version 3.12 | Published October 17, 2019 ©
Image Mask
The Image Mask plug-in applies a mask to an image using other images (e.g. an alpha image).
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Shader -> Effects
Image Mask Properties
Image: Placeholder for image.
Blend: Blends the image with the object.
Position X, Y %: Sets the position of the mask in percentage for the screen or object.
Scale X, Y %: Sets the size of the mask in percentage for the screen or object.
Fit: Selects the size of the image mask to the screen or the object:
Screen: Sizes the image mask to the screen. If the object is moved, it moves while the image mask stays fixed.
Object: Sizes the image mask to the object. If the object is moved, the image mask moves with it.
Repeat: Applies the image mask multiple times on the screen or object.
Clamp: Applies the image mask once on the screen or object.
Mask Aspect: Sets the aspect of the image mask to the screen or the object.
Invert: Inverts the image.
Alpha only: Enables the alpha channel for the image (for example, an RGBA image).
Soft Mask: Applies a soft mask (available when Fit is set to Screen).