Viz Artist User Guide
Version 3.12 | Published October 17, 2019 ©
DVE Follow
DVE Follow connects a video input channel or a clip channel of the containing Scene with the bounding box of a Container. When connected the channel, if set to DVE, follows the bounding box of the Container. The plug-in does not actively set the channel to DVE.
IMPORTANT! Be aware of the fact that the DVE animation is done on the video board while the animation of the ruling container is done together with all other graphics on the GPU. The output delays of the graphics and the DVE animation are different and this can lead to notable offsets between graphics and DVE (especially notable with fast animations).
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Container plug-ins -> Tools
DVE Follow Properties
Channel Type: Type of channel to manipulate:
Video Channel
Clip Channel
Video/Clip Channel Number: The plug-in supports a maximum of eight video channels and 16 clip channels.
Layer: Selects the layer which contains the Scene in which the DVE is located.
Video Width: Sets the width of the containers bounding box.
Video Height: Sets the height of the containers bounding box.
Alpha: Sets the alpha value of the DVE channel.
Priority: Sets the priority value of the DVE channel.
Crop: Sets the left, right, top and bottom crop value of the DVE channel.