Viz Artist User Guide
Version 3.14 | Published October 30, 2020 ©
Tree Status
The Tree Status plug-in is needed by the Lineup template in Viz Pilot to collect information about the scene hierarchy.
The Tree Props container plug-in is required for use of the Tree Status plug-in. Move the Tree Props plug-in onto the group holding the transformation which is to be controlled by Viz Pilot. Viz Pilot is then able to build its own internal tree properties list.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Scene plug-ins -> Lineup
Tree Status Properties
Result: Contains the entire information about the complete scene tree.
S2VResult: Holds the information X-, Y-, Z-translation and the Y-rotation given in the card file virtual Studio. S2V stands for scene to virtual.
Command: Allows a Viz command to take place.
Initialize (button): Initializes the Result field.
InitializeS2V (button): Initializes the S2VResult field.