Viz Artist User Guide
Version 3.14 | Published October 30, 2020 ©
Advanced Counter
The Advanced Counter plug-in allows you to easily create an animated counting sequence. It shows values with decimals and it has the possibility to create a user defined format mask. Furthermore it can have prefixed values.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Container plug-ins -> Tools
This page contains the following topics and procedures:
Advanced Counter Properties
Use Integers: Enables the use of integers only.
Value (Dec.), Value (Int.): Sets the current value of the counter. Animate this value to create the counting sequence.
Leading blanks: Selects what the counter does with leading blanks. They can either be Cut away or put in as Blank, asterisk, hash, dot or zeros.
Force prefix: Enables both positive and negative values to have a prefix, not only negative values as is the default (+/-).
Delete unnecessary commas: Removes superfluous commas when a specified format mask has more commas than the number needs. If for instance the mask $###,###,###,###.## is defined, and the number 4120.37 is entered, it is output as $,,4,120.37. If by enabling this option, the number gets a correct format: $4,120.37.
Decimal separator: Switches the decimal separator between point and comma.
Format mask: Allows format mask definition. Each hash symbolizes an item of the total number. To alter, add or remove hashes. You can also add constant values, for example DM, NOK etc.
Initialize: Starts the counter.
To Create an Advanced Counter
Add a group container to the scene tree.
Add a font and material to the group container.
Add the Advanced Counter plug-in to the group container.
Open the Advanced Counter editor and animate the parameters.