Viz Engine Administrator Guide
Version 5.0 | Published December 20, 2022 ©
Clip Formats
The recommended audio format is WAVE, as it gives the least decoding time and the best performance. Additionally, it is the only format that matches the Viz Engine support for 16 channels.
Video clips can have interleaved audio in it. The format is limited to 24-bit and 48 khz. There needs to be at least two channels in it, as mono is not supported. Again, the maximum channels are 16.
SDI in, break-out box (BOB) out is supported as well as BOB in and SDI out. It can be controlled by the video/clip channels controls.
Viz Engine is able to import and play the following Formats:
WAVE: Up to 96 kHz, 24-bit and 16 Channels.
MP3: All Formats (Stereo only).
OggVorbis: All Formats, up to 16 Channels.
See Also
Matrox configuration