Viz Artist

Version 3.11.0 | Published January 22, 2018 ©

Working with Audio (Clips) Items

This section contains information on the following procedures:

To Add an Audio Clip to a Scene (Context Menu)

  1. Select the target Container.

  2. Go to Container plug-ins -> Global and find the Audio plug-in.

  3. Right click the plug-in and select Add Audio Clip.
    The Audio plug-in is added to the selected Container, and the Container will show that an animation was created.

  4. Click on the Stage Button.

  5. Highlight the Audio Clip in the Stage tree.

  6. Click on the Add key Frame icon (1).

  7. In the Key Frame panel add an Audio Clip. There are two ways to add an Audio Clip:

    1. Click DB Clip (1).

    2. Click on Server/Stage in the Main Menu.

    3. Select and drag an Audio Clip from the Server Tree panel to the Clip drop box (2).

    4. Click File (1).

    5. In the Clip line (3), click the images/download/attachments/27787968/manage_elements_elip.png icon to select an Audio clip to use.


To Add an Audio Clip to a Scene

  1. Add the Audio plug-in (Container plug-ins -> Global) to a Container (see Built Ins).

  2. In the Main Menu, click on Stage.

  3. Drag the Container to the Stage Tree Area.

  4. In the Stage Tree right-click the Container Actor (1)

  5. Click Audio > Clip (2) (the Container will show that an animation was created).

  6. Click on the Audio Clip Channel (3) in the Stage Editor, to open the Key Frame panel (if not open).

  7. In the Key Frame panel add an Audio Clip. There are two ways to add an Audio Clip:

    1. Click DB Clip (4).

    2. Click on Server/Stage in the Main Menu.

    3. Select and drag an Audio Clip from the Server Tree panel to the Clip drop box (5).

    4. Click File (4).

    5. In the Clip line (6), click the images/download/attachments/27787968/manage_elements_elip.png icon to select an Audio clip to use.


To Import an Audio Clip

  • For information about how to import an audio clip (or an archive) from a hard disk or a network share to the database see Import and Archive.

To Export an Audio clip

  1. Open the Select Export Directory panel:

    • Click on an Audio clip or Audio clips and select Export... from the Server Menu, or

    • Right-click the Audio clip to be exported. In the menu that opens, select Export...

    • In the Select Export Directory panel, select the folder where the Audio clips should be exported to.

  2. Click the Ok button. The audio clip will be exported to the selected folder, with its original name.