Viz Artist

Version 3.11.0 | Published January 22, 2018 ©


Located under the Container plug-ins tab, RFxColliderSrc is used in conjunction with RFxColliderTgt to create a collision and collision detection system. For example the source could be a notional wall or floor, whereas the target would be the particles themselves. The particle target can work with a number of sources.

Note: When RFxCollisionSrc is added to a container, the RFxCollisionManager plug-in is automatically added at the scene level. This plug-in is used internally and not configurable.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Container plug-ins -> RealFX

Adjust the following parameters as required to achieve the required effect:

  • Object Type (Auto, Sphere, Box)

  • Bounce

  • Random

  • Proximity Fade and Fade Range: Allows you to fade particles based on their proximity to other objects (only spheres and boxes).

  • Flag 1-8 (on/off)

See Also