Viz Artist

Version 3.11.0 | Published January 22, 2018 ©


The Glow plug-in makes the lit faces of objects glow.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Container plug-ins -> Global

This section also contains information on the following topics:

Glow Properties


  • Blur Width: Set the width of the blur (the size of the glow).

  • Strength: Set the intensity/strength of the glow.

  • Object Strength: Set the intensity/strength of the glow on the faces of the object.

  • Draw Texture: Use the selected Texture for the Glow Effect. When a multi-textured object is used, use the Unit drop down box to select which of the textures to use.

  • Use Color: Set to On, to change the color of the glow. If set to Off the glow will be based on the Color (Material and Texture) of the Object.

  • Textured: Apply the Texture, or Textures, of the object on the glow.

To Add a Glow


  1. Add a Sphere plug-in to the Scene Tree.

  2. Add a Material and a Texture to the Sphere container.

  3. Add the Glow plug-in.

  4. Open the Glow editor and set these parameters:

    • Blur Width: 50.0.

    • Strength: 8.0.

    • Object Strength: 0.0.

    • Enable Use Color and set the color parameter.

Examples with the same parameters and:

  • Draw Texture set to On (1)

  • Texture set to On (2)

  • Draw Texture and Texture set to On (3)
