Viz Artist User Guide
Version 5.0 | Published December 20, 2022 ©
Working with the Scene Editor
Some transformation parameters of a Container or Containers in a Scene can be edited in the Scene Editor. Furthermore, you can switch some properties of a container On and Off.
This section contains information of the following topics:
Scene Editor Functions
To Select/Deselect an Object
Left-click on an object, to select that object.
Note: This is done on a per pixel basis.
A bounding box shows which object has been selected (if the Bounding Box option is enabled, see Scene Editor Buttons).
The selected object’s Container is highlighted in the Scene Tree
Click on the Transformation editor in the Properties panel to show to the transformation properties.
Press SPACE or click in an empty space to deselect an object.
To Copy an Object
Hold CTRL down and click and hold the left mouse button.
Drag and drop the object to the new location.
To Move an Object
Left-click on an object, to select that object.
Keep the left button pressed and move the object within the Scene Editor.
Release the left button.
To Move an Object on the Z Axis
Left-click on an object, to select that object.
Keep the left button pressed and press the right button. Hold both buttons down.
Move the mouse to the left or right to move selected object in the Z axis.
Multiple Objects Selected
When multiple objects are selected in the Scene Editor, the Transformation editor (in the Properties Panel) shows the editable properties for all selected objects.
All selected objects are included in one bounding box (if the Bounding Box option is enabled, see Scene Editor Buttons). The selected object’s Containers are also highlighted in the Scene Tree.
Note: When more than one object is selected, the Group coordinate system shows and a bounding box covers all selected objects. When Local and World is selected a bounding box for each selected object shows.
To Select Multiple Objects
Hold the CTRL key and click on each object to select, as required, or
Click in an empty space in the Scene Editor and drag around the required objects to select.
To Deselect Multiple Objects
Press the SPACE bar, or
Click in an empty space on the Scene Editor.
Note: Toggle the SPACE bar to select or deselect multiple objects.
To Add Properties to Multi Selected Objects
Multi select the required objects.
From the Server Panel select the required item.
Drag the item to one of the selected objects.
All selected objects take on the property.
To Move Multi Selected Objects
Select the required objects.
Left-click one of the objects to be moved and move the multi selected objects within the Scene Editor.
Release the left button.
To Move Multi Selected Objects on the Z Axis
Select the required objects.
Left-click on one of the multi selected objects.
Keep the left button pressed and press the right button. Hold both buttons down.
Move the mouse to the left or right to move selected objects in the Z axis.
Scene Editor Context Menu
Using the Scene Editors Context menu differs between the Viz Engine Render Pipeline and the Classic Render Pipeline. Open the Context menu by right clicking the Scene editor.
Classic Render Pipeline |
Viz Engine Render Pipeline |
Context Menu |
With the Viz Engine Render Pipeline, it is possible to also configure a snap size for each transform operation. This snap value controls the step size for editing. |
Gizmos/Handles |
Translation and scale gizmos provide plane-handles (rectangle handles) to lock one axis for editing. For scaling with the plane-handles, holding CTRL proportionally scales both axes. |
Camera Control |
In the Viz Engine Render Pipeline, an additional camera control is available to quickly orbit around a selected object. To do so, select a geometry in the scene editor, hit T for target mode and use the x, y and z axes to orbit around the selected object. |
Selected containers can be transformed inside the Scene Editor window with manipulation gizmos. The manipulation gizmos are visible when at least one container is selected.
You can switch between the different transform operations (Translate, Rotate, Scale, Center) by using the context menu. Switching the coordination space (Local, Parent, World) can also be done inside the context menu.
The context menu and the corresponding gizmos are modernized for the Viz Engine Renderer, but the concept is still the same. With the Viz Engine Renderer, it is possible to also configure a snap size for each transform operation. This snap value controls the step size for editing.
Note: In Viz Engine Renderer, transform editing is disabled in Scene Editor if any axis of the edited container has a scaling of 0.
Scene Editor Menu in the Classic Render Pipeline
In the Scene Editor right-click and hold to open a context menu:
Note: The context menu selection is available on a single Container or multiple Containers.
Position: Switches into the position mode.
Rotation: Switches into the rotation mode.
Scale: Switches into scale mode.
Center: Switches into center editing mode.
Space: Switches between coordinate systems:
Parent/Group: Refers to changes that can be made to the Container or Containers in its Parent or Group coordinate system.
Local: Refers to changes that can be made to the container in its local coordinate system.
World: Refers to changes that can be made to containers in their world coordinate system.
Note: Multi selected objects: When more than one object is selected, Group shows and a bounding box covers all selected objects. When Local and World is selected a bounding box for each selected object shows.
Properties (only applicable if a Container is selected):
Hide/Show: Hides or shows the Container in the Scene Editor.
Lock/Unlock: Locks or unlocks the container. When locked the Container cannot be modified in the Scene Editor.
Transformation: Opens the transformation editor for the Container.
Normal vectors: Toggles the display of the normal vectors at the bottom of the properties you find a list of all properties applied to the container with the possibility to switch them On and Off.
Material: Toggles diffuse color on (enlighted) or off (colored).
Any other properties of the container can set to on and off (except materials).
Animation: Shows the animation path.
To Select an Option from the Context Menu
Right-click and hold.
Move the cursor to the required option.
Release to select.
To Change the Position of an Object
Select an object.
Right-click the object and select position from the context menu.
Grab and drag a handle. The container follows the movement along the axes shown in the selected camera view. During this operation a status window is shown, giving you information about the position.
To Rotate an Object
Right-click to open the context menu.
Select rotation.
Drag the handles side ways to rotate on all the axes.
To Scale an Object
Right-click to open the context menu
Select scale.
Drag the handles to scale the object.
To Move the Axis Center of an Object
Right-click to open the context menu
Select Center. This shows the axis of the selected container with handles on their ends.
Grab one of the handles and change the center position by dragging them around the Scene Editor.
See Also