Viz Artist User Guide
Version 5.0 | Published December 20, 2022 ©
HDR (High Dynamic Range) Panel
Enables High Dynamic Range Rendering/Imaging for the selected container. This improves the contrast of the generated scene in a much more realistic way.
Note: This applies to the Classic Render Pipeline only.
HDR Properties
High Dynamic Range: Enables HDR lighting instead of the default OpenGL lighting on Containers tagged for HDR lighting when set to On. To tag Containers for HDR lighting, the HDR plug-in must be placed in a Container to enable HDR lighting on the respective container and its sub-tree.
Diffuse Map: Defines the diffuse light map. This is a HDR Cube map (must be a vertical cross and should have been imported from an .exr file).
Reflection Map: Defines the diffuse light map for the reflection part of the lighting.
Note: Diffuse and Reflection map require the texture mapping method to be Cube. Do not reuse the same texture, where the texture mapping method needs to be something different than Cube but use a duplicate instead.
Rotation: Rotates the environment map with the set parameters.
Note: Diffuse map and reflection map together form the ‘environment map’.
Exposition: Controls the brightness of the maps (similar to the exposure time of an ordinary camera).
Background: Draws the Reflection map as background when set to On.