Viz Artist User Guide
Version 5.0 | Published December 20, 2022 ©
Keying Mode
There are different types of Keying modes built into Viz Artist, which can be used with Media Assets applied as Texture.
Linear Key
Linear Key is the standard keying technique, and can be used for most applications. This is a logical key (enabled by the Key plug-in):
If a video or clip channel is applied to an object, it is treated the same way as if it would be a static image.
If it is used as a background image, it is the first item to be drawn and all objects in the scene are drawn on top of it regardless of the key settings in the global section of scene settings.
If it is set as the foreground image, it is the last item to be drawn and all other objects are only visible in the parts of the screen where the key/alpha of the video is not 100% (opaque)
Multi-Zone Key
Multi-Zone Key is often used in outdoor sporting events broadcasts.
The Multi-Zone Keyer prepares the input video to be keyable by the Chroma Keyer plug-ins in the scene tree. It is typically used in sports productions where more than one color needs to be keyed out. The video source needs to be dragged into the background image in global settings. An unlimited number of Chroma Keyer plug-ins can be created in the scene, each keying out a different color.
External Key
Choose this option if an external keying interface (for example, for Viz Eclipse) is going to be used.
The External Keying interface aims to connect the Viz Engine to the external keyer process via a SHM interface using AVVCdata packages. Additionally, Viz Engine should not be blocked or hindered in any way from doing its work if the external process is either not yet existing, not performing fast enough, or in the event of a crash (or even intended shutdown or restart) of the external process.
Precision Keyer
The Precision Keyer. This option provides the best quality. We recommend using an application like Viz Arc to control the Precision Keyer.