Viz Mosart Administrator Guide

Version 4.1 | Published October 29, 2021 ©

Version Numbering

Installation folders are named with the Viz Mosart version number. All files inside that folder also have the corresponding version number attached to the filename.

Version numbers have the following syntax:

  • Major.Minor.Revision.Build (for example


  • Major.Minor.Revision denotes the Viz Mosart Version Number

  • Build denotes a patch number

Example: Installers\\VizMosartServer-

Here we can see that the computer has a folder for the Viz Mosart release, containing associated installers.
Every significant code change of Viz Mosart results in a change to the Viz Mosart Version Number. This increases either the major, minor, or revision number.

Patches are identified by having a higher build number than the remainder of the files.