Viz Trio User Guide

Version 3.2 | Published October 08, 2019 ©

To create a scene

  1. Start Viz Artist 2.x or 3.x, and create a blank scene.

    • For Viz Artist 3.x: Start Viz Artist and start creating the new scene.

    • For Viz Artist 2.x: Open the directory in the Viz Artist scene tree where the lower third scene will be saved. Create a new blank scene by pressing the Add button, and open the scene.

  2. Add a group container to the tree.

    • For Viz Artist 3.x: Click or drag the Group icon labeled G (see image above).

    • For Viz Artist 2.x: Click the Function button, and click or drag the Group icon.

  3. Rename the group to for example lowerthird.

    • To change the container’s name, double click on the name section of the container.


  4. Add another group container as a sub-container to the lowerthird container.

    • To add a sub-container drag the group object to the right of the existing container.

  5. Name the second group object.