Viz Trio User Guide

Version 3.2 | Published October 08, 2019 ©

To add a background


  1. Add a rectangle from the Built Ins object pool and drop it as a sub-container of the object container, and rename it to Background.

    • For Viz Artist 3.x: Click the Built Ins button, and select Primitives from the drop-list. The object can be found in the Default folder.

    • For Viz Artist 2.x: Open the Object pool and click on the button labeled Built in.

  2. Open the rectangle’s editor and the background container’s transformation editor to scale and then position the object so that it covers the "lower third" of the screen.

    • Rectangle editor: Width 800 and Height 125.

    • Transformation editor: Position Y -160.

  3. Since this element is a background element it should be a little bit behind the other objects on the Z-axis.

    • Transformation editor: Position Z -100.

  4. Add a material (see To add materials) object to give the rectangle color.

    • For Viz Artist 3.x: Click the Server button and select Materials on its drop-down menu (CTRL+3 or the M tab).

    • For Viz Artist 2.x: Click the Material button to open the material database, and select a color.

  5. Drag the desired material from the material pool and drop it onto the Background container.