Viz Trio User Guide
Version 3.2 | Published June 29, 2021 ©
Scripts can be stored in two ways:
On the Media Sequencer on a per show basis; or
As files on a drive (preferably shared).
A show script is only available to machines connected to the same Media Sequencer using the same show. Scripts can be assigned to templates and shows. Although it's only possible to assign one script per show or template you can include other scripts as part of the main script to extend its functionality.
Notes About Scripts
All edits are done with the Script Editor.
Changes made to a show script will only affect the selected show and those clients that control the same show.
Changes made to a script file on a shared script repository will affect all shows that use the same script.
File scripts are read into the show each time a show is opened.
Only templates can have scripts assigned. All instances of a template inherit the template script.
This section covers the following topics:
Tip: Always remember to escape backslashes correctly.