Viz Trio User Guide
Version 3.2 | Published June 29, 2021 ©
The TransitionLayers plug-in lets you define the two dynamic images of a scene-transition scene using the Dynamic Scene Media Asset (see Creating Transition Effect Scenes).
TransitionLayers Properties
Layer1 Container: contains the scene from which to transition. The name of the referenced container is on the right.
Layer2 Container: contains the scene from to which to transition. The name of the referenced container is on the right.
Reset button (R): Each layer container has a reset button (R) that empties the container reference.
Tip: Press the group button for the source of destination layers to select the corresponding container in the scene tree.
When adding the TransitionLayers plug-in to a container, the plug-in will automatically create the two sub-containers required and add these to the plug-in properties
Parent container containing the TransitionLayers plug-in.
Sub-container containing the scene from which to transition (or Layer1 Container).
Sub-container containing the scene to which to transition (or Layer2 Container).
In addition, a default two second alpha in animation will be added for the Layer2 Container to the *Default *direction in the Stage. The default animation can be changed as desired.
Tip: Containers containing dynamic images for the transition scene can also be dragged onto the desired Layer container in the plug-in properties pane.
See Also