Viz Trio User Guide

Version 3.2 | Published October 08, 2019 ©

Components and Applications used with Viz Trio

This section contains information on the following topics:

Viz Engine

The Viz Engine is the output service (renderer) for Viz Trio, and is a separate installer. A Viz Engine is required in order for Viz Trio to preview graphics. Check that Viz Engine is installed, configured and working before installing and using Viz Trio.

A licensed Vizrt dongle must be attached to the USB or printer port on the machine. After installing the Viz Engine, make sure to also install any additional plug-ins, such as Viz Datapool. The plug-ins required will vary depending on the scene design and integrations.

To install the Viz Engine, refer to the instructions in the Viz Engine Administrator Guide.

Media Sequencer

The Media Sequencer is in most cases installed on a server acting as a middle tier between Viz Trio and Viz Engine.

To install the Media Sequencer

  1. Run the installer and follow the directions given by the installation wizard.

  2. Optional: Install the Oracle 10g Runtime Client.

    • Restart the Media Sequencer after installing the database client.

    • A database client is needed when connected to Viz Gateway for accessing the Viz Pilot database.

Viz Pilot

In order to connect to Viz Pilot’s Oracle database, a runtime installation of the Oracle database client is required. It is recommended to use the same client version as the Oracle database uses. After the client is installed, Viz Trio’s database connection can be configured. See Viz Pilot Users Guide for installation instructions.

See Also

Viz Trio Keyboard

To install the Viz Trio keyboard, the keyboard’s USB connector must be connected to the computer’s USB port. The computer should be able to detect and automatically install the needed keyboard driver(s).

Note: To learn more about the keyboard’s technical specifications, visit DevlinGroup - Devlin Electronics Limited.

To import the keyboard mapping file

  1. Open Viz Trio and click the Show properties button.

  2. In the Show properties window that opens, click the Keyboard button. images/download/attachments/41787273/installation_keyboard_button.png

  3. In the Macros for Current Show window that opens, click Import.

  4. In the Import keyboard shortcuts dialog that opens, click the folder button to browse for and import the keyboard file (extension *.kbd).

  5. Optional: Select to merge the existing keyboard shortcuts with the new ones.

  6. Click Import.

See Also