Viz Trio User Guide

Version 3.2 | Published October 08, 2019 ©

To add key functions to the container

  1. Add a key function to the background container, and click the key icon to open the key editor.

    • For Viz Artist 3.x: Click the Built Ins button, and select Function Container _from the drop-list. The _Alpha function can be found in the Global folder.

    • For Viz Artist 2.x: Click the Function button.

  2. The key for the background must have the Alpha as key only setting enabled (On). This is to avoid a "dirty key" if the background has some level of transparency. Set the Render mode to Blend.

  3. Add a key function to the front_objects container. On this key signal the Alpha as key only setting must be disabled (Off), and the Render mode must be set to Add. This is to avoid the foreground objects to cut a hole in the key signal of the background object.