Viz World Classic User Guide

Version 23.0 | Published December 12, 2023 ©

Using Templates

When you create a new project you can choose to base it on a project template which defines the default styles, style sheets, color palettes, and predefined layers and settings to be included. You can save any project as a template file and then use it as the basis for new projects.

If you create a new project without selecting a template, a default project template is used. A simple default project template is supplied and automatically used by Viz World Classic, but you can create a new default template of your own, containing all the settings you want to use on a regular basis.

This section contains information on the following procedures:

To Create a Project Template

  1. Create a new blank project.

  2. Define or import all the styles, color palettes, Navigator presets, and layers you would like to have in the template.

  3. On the File menu, click Save As....

  4. In the Save As dialog box choose Project Template from the Save as type (PC) or Format (Mac) drop-down menu.

  5. Enter a name for the template and click the Save button. Opening the template then creates a new untitled project containing the contents of the project you saved, and you are prompted to give it a new name when you save the file.

To Specify a Template as the Starting Point for a Project

Select Use a project template in the Welcome or New Project dialog box, and select the particular template you want to use.

To Set the Default Project Template


  1. On the View menu, click Options....

  2. Click the Template option to display the Template panel.

  3. Click the Browse... button and select the appropriate template file. The default project template is used whenever you create a new project by selecting Create map project in the Welcome or New Project dialog box.

To Share Project Templates

To share project templates put them into a shared directory. All users can then use the same styles, colors, Navigator presets and layers by default.