Viz World Classic User Guide

Version 23.0 | Published December 12, 2023 ©

Reusing Style Sheets

Careful design of the styles you wish to use can greatly increase the speed at which high-quality maps can be created by a group of users. Users just need to select the correct style, and they can then create maps without having to be concerned with the design or appearance.

A number of sample style sheets are included with the software. You can import these as described below.

To Share a Stylesheet between Projects and Users

Once you have designed a style sheet that you would like to use in other projects, or make available to other users, you can save it to disk as follows:

Click the Export... button in the Styles Editor dialog box to save a copy of the style sheet in a shared directory.

Note: Each user can then import styles from the style sheet file using Import... in the Styles Editor.