Viz Channel Branding User Guide

Version 5.1 | Published October 26, 2023 ©

Splitting Fields

The ability to split fields is to be able to annotate in the Mapping Table an instruction for the Playlist Importer on how to extract partial information and mapped it a named variable.

The notation for splitting a field is like this: &(FIELD_NAME,”DELIMITER”,FROM,COUNT). If the delimiter is empty, it will split into characters.


Assuming the schedule file contains the value '31.12.2006' and that value is mapped to variable begin_date_temp, we can then assign this to another variable using the split annotation to extract partial value.

&(begin_date_temp,"",1,2) => "31"
&(begin_date_temp,"",11,2) => ""
&(begin_date_temp,"",10,2) => "6"
&(begin_date_temp,".",1,2) => "31.12"
&(begin_date_temp,".",2,2) => "12.2006"
&(begin_date_temp,".",2,3) => "12.2006"
&(begin_date_temp,".",4,1) => ""
&(begin_date_temp,".",3,2) => "2006"
&(begin_date_temp,"/",2,1) => ""
&(begin_date_temp,"/",1,1) => "31.12.2006"