Viz Plug-ins User Guide

Version 5.0 | Published December 20, 2022 ©


The Script plug-in allows adding scripts to a Container and storing them with the Scene. It is possible to archive and import scripts as part of a Scene Archive as with any other plug-in.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Container plug-ins -> Global

A script can also be saved as its own script plug-in, and used in future Scenes (). To save a script as a script plug-in, drag a compiled script into the Script folder. The Script plug-ins folder is a special folder that lets users create and name plug-ins.

Note: Script plug-ins are saved to <viz data folder>\Scriptplug-ins.

WARNING: A script plug-in is not stored in the database, and is not distributed with an archive, because it is code and not data.

There is an important difference between a script that is not converted into a plug-in, and a script that is. As long as it is not converted the content of the script code is data within the Script plug-in, just like the width property is data within for example a geometry plug-in. Once the script is converted to a plug-in it is a plug-in itself, like any other plug-in.

See Also