Viz Engine Administrator Guide

Version 5.1 | Published November 09, 2023 ©

Ports and Connections

This section contains information on the following topics:

Port Numbers

The table below lists all default server and listening port numbers used. When the firewall is well configured, it can be kept enabled. Client-side firewalls may cause issues when the Viz Artist/Viz Engine version is below 3.8.2 or the Graphic Hub version is below 3.0.0, since the communication protocol used was two-way and requires the firewall on the client side to be open for the Viz Artist/Viz Engine processes. However, it is not required to disable the firewall completely.

Viz Engine Ports



Descriptions and comments

MVCP and Xlator control port for video servers.

VDCP ports

5250 TCP

Note: This port is only necessary in combination with the video server extension (Service: AVCP).

These ports are configurable in Config File:

  • MVCPServer_Port

  • vdcp_controller[n]_port

Tracking Hub communication

3000 UDP

Used by Tracking Hub to communicate with Viz Engine.

These ports are configurable in Config File:

  • trackinghub_port

Control Ports

6100 TCP

6700 TCP

6800 TCP

55000-55015 TCP

56000-56015 TCP

Communication ports used by Control Applications (like Media Sequencer) to connect to a Viz Engine program and/or preview channel. Viz Engine’s default program and preview port is 6100.

In a single channel configuration where both program and preview output is on the same machine, the default preview port is set to 6800 to separate the program and preview channels.

In a dual channel configuration, the default program ports are 6100 and 6800 for channel one and channel two, respectively. In a dual channel configuration, when used for stereo production, the default program ports are 6700 and 6800 for channel one (left eye) and channel two (right eye), respectively.

For controlling Graphics Channels and/or Superchannels, ports 55000-55016 and 56000-56007 are used (can be changed in the config).

These ports are configurable via Config GUI.

Viz Engine Unreal Integration

6102 UDP 6104 UDP 6103 UDP

Communication ports from Viz Engine to Unreal Engine.

These ports are configurable via Config GUI.

Viz Artist

6998, ... TCP

Used to communicate with Viz Artist. Every instance opens two ports, starting with 6998 and 6999.

Note: These ports can not be changed!

Shared Memory Master Port

freely configureable

These ports are configurable in Config File:

  • smm_master_eng_port

Command Feedback Port

7476 UDP

Port to send feedback of commands. This port is configurable in Config File:

  • command_feedback_port

Viz Engine REST service

freely configureable TCP

To control Viz Engine via REST commands

This port can be configed via Config GUI.

Extension Plugin Commands via Websockets

6900 TCP

To allow to control Viz Engine via a Websocket.

This port can be changed manually in the JSON file C:\ProgramData\vizrt\VizEngine\extensions\CommandOverWebsocket.json.

Multitouch communication


3333 UDP

To connect to a TUIO multitouch service.

This port is configurable in Config File:

  • tuio_serv

Graphic Hub


Ports in use when connecting to different Graphic Hub components. Since Graphic Hub version 3.0.0 and Viz Artist/Viz Engine version 3.8.2, a limited number of open network ports is required. These do not require any port exemption rules on the client side firewall configuration. However, for earlier versions, all ports must be open on the client side.

MV Network Service

50000 TCP

responsible for NMOS requests. It might be necessary to manually add this exception to an existing firewall.

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=    
"Matrox NMOS API"    
 protocol=TCP dir=in localport=50000 action=allow program=    
"C:\ProgramFiles\Matrox DSX-TopologyUtils\System64\mvNetworkService.exe"    

Multiplexer ports

50007 - 50009 TCP

Multiplexing Ports that enable Viz Engine to work on other scenes in sessions that are used for preview purposes.

50007 TCP

MUX Isolated port: All connections to this port get their own session.

50008 TCP

MUX Shared port: All connections from one single host shares one session.

50009 TCP

MUX Fixed port: Same as shared port except that allocated resources are never cleared from memory.

50010 TCP

Still Preview port: Enables a user to request a preview of the next scene to be put On Air while another scene is On Air.

These ports are configurable via Config GUI.

WebRTC Extension Plugin


Can be configured in the config file:

or via command:

Information: Depending on your hardware (Matrox IP) in use, the number of ports can be much higher.

Other Integrations



Descriptions and comments



Used for video transfers from Viz One to Viz Engine.

Viz One


TCP and UDP for logging in to the Viz One operating system (Service: SSH).

Viz World Server



102 (TCP) is a Viz World Server listener port for Viz World Client connections when Server Allocator is not in use or only has one Viz World Server running.

103 (TCP) is a Viz World Server listener port for configuration tool connections to the first Viz World Server instance (as configurations are controlled by the first server instance). See also Vizrt Maps.

Viz One



Used for SMB file sharing (Service: Netbios)

Viz One, Microsoft Bing and Imagery on Demand



Web interface and client software. SOAP port for communication with Viz One. For download of Microsoft Bing and Imagery on Demand images (Service: HTTP).



Service Location Protocol (SLP) based discovery and search (TCP, UDP).

Viz One



(Service: HTTPS) TCP and UDP used for SMB file sharing (Service: Microsoft-DS).

Viz One Delivery


Real-time Streaming Protocol (Service: TCP).

Oracle database


For clients that connect to the Viz Pilot Database.

Viz One


Low resolution video and index files (Service: lighttpd).

Viz Trio



6200 is used for controlling the Viz Trio client over a socket connection.

6210 is used by the Graphics Plug-in to establish a connection to Viz Trio.

Newsroom Component


Used by the Graphics Plug-in to establish a connection to Viz Pilot’s Newsroom client.

Graphics Plugin Editor


Used by the Graphics Plug-in to establish a connection to the Graphics Plug-in Editor (on Mac).

Graphics Plugin Config


Used by the Graphics Plug-in to establish a connection to the Graphics Plug-in Configuration tool (on Mac).

Viz Ticker Service



Viz Ticker handler in the Media Sequencer connects to port 6300 for feedback from Viz Ticker Service.

Viz Ticker handler in the Media Sequencer connect to port 6301 when controlling Viz Ticker via a socket connection.

Viz Pilot


Socket connection used for controlling Viz Pilot using macro commands.

Viz One


Message bus port for communication with Viz One (Service: Message bus).

Preview License server


For the Newsroom Component using an unlicensed Viz Engine for local preview with a connection to the Preview License server (is not the same as the Preview Server).

Viz Pilot Data Server


Used to connect over HTTP with the REST interface.

Media Sequencer



For clients connecting to the Media Sequencer. 8580 is specifically used to connect over HTTP with the REST interface.

Viz One


Used for sending key frames (Service: ardok).






For DB notification events. For Gateway controller clients. For MOS object updates.For MOS playlist updates.

Viz World Server



10100 (TCP) is a Server Allocator listener port for Viz World Client connections, and is only used for clients to get connection details about Viz World Server(s). The first client connection is always diverted to port 102. In case of multiple server instances, port numbers are assigned according to a predefined schema (i.e. 10101, 10102 for server instance two and three and so on). In case there is no Server Allocator, Viz World Server itself switches to port 102.

10100 (UDP) is a Viz World Server listener port for Server Allocator communication.

10200 (UDP) is a Server Allocator listener port for Viz World Server communication. Both UDP ports are internal ports used between the servers. For more information, please see the Viz World Client and Server 11.1 User Guide and later.

Viz Pilot


Used by Gateway to establish a connection to Viz Pilot to send and receive updates on MOS messages (for example, items and playlists).

Graphic Hub


Ports in use when connecting to different Graphic Hub components. Since Graphic Hub version 3.0.0 and Viz Artist/Viz Engine version 3.8.2, a limited number of open network ports is required. These do not require any port exemption rules on the client side firewall configuration. However, for earlier versions, all ports must be open on the client side.

Connection Broker


Connection to the Connection Broker configuration interface (for example, http://localhost:21098/).

Preview Server


Used to connect over HTTP with the REST interface.

Codemeter Webinterface


To configure the Codemeter runtime via WebInterface.

Multiplexing Ports


Viz Engine

All other ports


Still Preview Port


MUX Isolated PortMUX Shared PortMUX Fixed Port


The multiplexer functionality is an integral part of Viz Engine. When using Viz Engine a session management takes place internally, with one default session for the GUI and internal/external commands, and additional sessions created on-demand for the multiplexing ports or the preview port.

With multiplex ports, other than the MUX Still Preview port, the Viz Engine state is only switched when a command is received, which means a new session is created; hence, ten consecutive commands from a client only results in one state switch on the first command.

    • The MUX Still Preview Port (50010) state is switched when a command is received and immediately switched back to the main session such that On Air rendering is not hindered in any way.

    • The MUX Fixed Port (50009) is traditionally used by the old Viz Pilot Newsroom Client, and is the same as the MUX Shared Port, except that allocated resources are never cleared from memory. To avoid memory overload, it is recommended to clean up the Viz Engine regularly when this port is used.

    Info: There is no automated cleanup of memory on this port.

    • The MUX Shared Port (50008) is a shared port where all connections from one single host shares one session. It is most often used by Viz Trio and the Newsroom Client to show preview frames.

    • The MUX Isolated Port (50007) is an isolated port where all connections get their own session. It is used, for example in an NLE configuration, to deliver frames to the host NLE-system when rendering or scrubbing video clips with graphics. Using this port also suppresses bounding box commands.

    All multiplexing ports are supported by all Viz Engine versions, but require a license.