Viz Engine Administrator Guide
Version 5.1 | Published November 09, 2023 ©
Matrox X.mio3 12G
The Matrox X.mio3 12G video board is targeted for the growing UHD market. It is a half-length, full height PCI Express card that offers two 12G SDI inputs and two 12G SDI outputs, using one input and one output module manufactured by Embrionix. The card is based on the original Matrox X.mio3 design and is capable of handling one input and fill/key output, or two inputs and one fill output.
Important: Due to the increased bandwidth of the signal, it is important to use high quality cables and as few connection points as possible. It is not recommended to use converter cables from Mini-BNC to standard BNC.
There is one Mini-BNC connector used to connect the card to the house genlock signal. The other two connectors are not implemented.
Key Features
Half-length PCI Express card.
Up to two 12G SDI inputs.
Up to two 12G SDI outputs.
Frame synchronizers on each input.
VANC and HANC support for each input and output.
Analog blackburst reference input (tri-level or bi-level).
Onboard 4K scaler.
Onboard 4K compositor.
Up to 16 channels of AES/EBU inputs and outputs.
Matrox X.mio3 12G Configuration
The main video properties match those of a Matrox X.mio3, meaning you can have either one UHD input and one Fill/Key UHD output, or two UHD inputs and one Fill UHD output. Please see Matrox Configuration Section for further details.
Attention: The HD-BNC connectors labeled 1 and 2 are not supported by Viz Engine.
Embrionix SFP I/O Modules
The needed 12G SFPs are available in two flavors, one for input and one for output. To connect to the SFPs standard Mini-BNC cables can be used.
Matrox X.mio3 12G SFP Configuration
It is important that the seating of SFPs is correct, otherwise inputs and outputs are not available. The output SFP goes into the lower bay and the input SFP into the upper one. See pictures for reference.