Viz Artist
Version 3.10 | Published May 03, 2018 ©
Bar Chart
This plug-in draws a bar chart, filled with data out of a Shared Memory Map. You can use delimited strings or arrays for data transfer via Scene-, Global- or Distributed-Shared Memory.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Geom plug-ins -> VisualDataTools
This section contains the following topics:
Bar Chart Properties
Shared Mem.: Select:
Scene: See
Global: See
Distributed: See
Inactive: (default) Do not forward any values with Shared Memory. The data is taken from the Data field
Data: Input chart data (available when Inactive is selected)
Key Data: Shared Mem. key name (available when Scene, Global or Distributed is selected)
Transfer Mode: Set String or Array based data transfer
Data Delim.: Define the value separator sign(s)
Number Format: Defines if Viz should get the decimal point separator from the System Locale or Custom settings. If Custom is enabled,
Decimal Symbol: Defines which symbol is used as decimal point when Custom Number Format is set.
Note: If the Bar Stack plug-in is used, the following Bar Chart properties need to be defined in the Bar Stack plug-in.
DataX Fit: Enable data normalization on the horizontal:
DataX Scale: Scale input by the selected factor
DataX Offset: Add an offset to the incoming data
DataX Auto Scale: Enable automatic data normalization
DataX Fit Size: Total, scale complete chart as per the defined Start and Stop settings or Current, scale the current chart segment to the set borders
Data Fit: Enables data normalization:
Data Scale: Scales input by the selected factor
Data Offset: Add an offset to the incoming data
Data Origin Offset: Add an offset to the smallest/minimum value
Data Auto Scale: Enable automatic data normalization
Data Fit Size: Scale complete chart in dependency of the defined Start and Stop settings (Total) or scales the Current chart segment to the set borders
Data Detect Limits: Detect minimum and maximum of all values and scales them to adjusted Start and Stop
Data Threshold: Add a definable offset to the detected limit
Data Start: Lower Auto Scale edge
Data Stop: Upper Auto Scale edge
Compare: Specify another BarChart for comparison. You have to set this parameter also in the other chart(s) so that each chart can react on changes of the other(s)
Data Animation: Set the animation type to be created when data change is detected:
Disable: No animation
Timer: Create data transition animation (from an old set of data to a new set) within the specified time set in Duration sec.. Also select an Animation Mode
Director: Create data transition animation with the Stage Director, that controls the Animation Progress parameter from 0.0% (old data) to 100.0% (new data). Also select an Animation Mode
Animation Mode:
Concurrent: All nodes change concurrently
Left to Right: Transition from left to right
Right to Left: Transition from right to left
Balance Speed: Set to On, when Animation Mode is set to Left to Right or Right to Left, and the position of transformed data will be related to node values as well
Example:Balance Speed: If the values of four nodes change from 0,0,0,0 to 1,9,90,900 in Left to Right mode at 50% of the transformation. Balance Speed Off: Only the first two nodes will be transformed to new values. Balance Speed On: The first three nodes are already transformed to new values, and the last node also transformed to 44% of the new values, because the data change from 0 (0+0+0+0) to 1000 (1+9+90+900), at 50% of transformation (in this case the values is changed for 500 of 1000), the first 3 nodes are already finished and the last node is changed to 400
Durationsec.: Set the duration of the animation in seconds for Timer mode
Horizontal alignment: Set horizontal orientation to left, center or right
Corners: Set the bar’s corners
Chart Width: Define width for a single bar or for all bars
Bar Width: Value of the previous parameter
Max Width: This setting can be used to allow bars to grow only to a certain width
Bar Gap Ratio: Adjusts the gap between the single bars. 0% means no gap
Depth: Defines if the bar depth should equal its width or lets you set a custom depth
Bar Depth: Adjusts bar depth in custom depth mode
Draw Zero: If the Bar value is equivalent to 0, then a very flat bar will be drawn instead of nothing
Tessellation Length: Tesselates bar length
Progress Mode:
Bars: Each bar grows to its value
Chart X: The chart grows horizontally. Each bar comes in at its final height
Chart Y: The chart grows vertically. All bars grow together to their final height
Relative Length: If activated, each bar will have it’s own 100% length (e.g. 7 bars equal 700%)
Const. Speed: Sets the same animation duration for each bar
Start%: Graph’s starting point
Stop%: Graph’s stop point
Bevel: Activates Bevel mode
Bevel Top: Chamfer bar’s top
Bevel Bottom: Chamfer bar’s bottom
Bevel Size%: Adjusts bevel’s size from 0 to 100
Bevel Steps: Sets roundness via the number of segmentation steps
Note: A chamfer is a beveled edge connecting two surfaces.
Pos. Container: Translates every child container to a bar’s top
Container Offset: Adds a certain offset to each container
Container Offset X: Adds a X Axis offset to each container
Container Offset Y: Adds a Y Axis offset to each container
Container Offset Z: Adds a Z Axis offset to each container
Center Container: Centers each translated container
Size Compensation: This option can be used to reposition containers if the can change their size. E.g. Text geometries used as chart labels. The labels will vary in their width which requires a repositioning if a horizontal BarChart (rotated 90 deg) is used
None: Container size compensation inactive
Width: Compensates with changes
Height: Compensates height changes
Map: Calculates texture coordinates for all bars, a single bar or defines vertex colors instead. Colors can be set individually for each bar or value dependent (+/- color). In the Color +/- mode you can override value dependent colors
Color ID: Moves between the available vertex colors
Color: Choose color for the current ID
Positive: Choose color for positive values
Negative: Choose color for negative values
Color Override: Activates or deactivates overriding of a positive or negative color with a defined alternative color
To Create a Bar Chart
Create a new group and add the Bar Chart plug-in to it.
Open the Transformation Editor and set Position X and Y to -100.0 and Rotation Y to -25.0.
Add a material and/or a texture to it.
Open the Bar Chart editor and set the following parameters:
Set the following DataY values: 10,20,30,20,50,60,80,45,20.
Set Corners to 3.
Set Bar Width to 20.0.
Set Bar Gap Ratio[%] to 10.0.
See Also