Viz Plug-ins User Guide

Version 5.0 | Published December 20, 2022 ©


The DataMouseSensor plug-in receives mouse events and keyboard events from Viz and stores the events in special DataPool Variables, making this information accessible to other DataPool plug-ins.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Scene plug-ins -> Data

Information: DataPool plug-ins only work properly on a single channel on the same machine.

The variables that it creates are:

  • MPOS: Returns the mouse position when a button is clicked. If a button is pressed while moving the cursor MPOS updates dynamically. When the button is released the mouse position value is stored in MPOS. The position is displayed in X Y values.

  • MBUT: Returns the number of the last clicked mouse button (1=left), whether the button is currently pressed or released, and the X Y values like in MPOS.

  • MSELCONT: Returns the ID of the selected container.

  • KEY: Returns the ASCII code of the last pressed key on the keyboard and whether it is currently pressed (pressed=1, released=0).

    Note: Not all keyboard buttons are displayed when using the KEY variable.

  • MONOFF: Indicates whether a mouse button is currently clicked or released.

  • MBUTTON: Returns the number of the last clicked mouse button. 1=left button, 2=center button, 3=right button.

The DataMouseSensor is a scene plug-in and it should be used in scenes that use mouse/keyboard DataPool plug-ins.

The DataMouseSensor plug-in has no parameters.