Viz Engine Administrator Guide
Version 5.2 | Published March 20, 2024 ©
Viz Engine supports the following BlueFish444 video boards:
Epoch | 4K Supernova
Epoch | 4K Supernova S+
Epoch | Neutron (introduced in Viz version 3.7.0)
Kronos | K8 (introduced in Viz version 5.0.0)
Some of the main supported features are:
Embedded audio input and output. Note that all 16 channels are used; however, there are currently no configuration options available for these channels (for example, routing of channels, enable/disable channels etc.).
ANC data (both HANC and VANC), such as VITC and RP188 time codes, is supported. Data from the input is laid over the output. Ingestion of time codes from time code reader boards is supported as well.
Two video inputs and outputs and one Genlock.
Automatic bypass (aka Special Configuration Options for Bluefish444) of video if the Viz Engine crashes.
Constant delay of four frames from input to output.
Note: Other BlueFish444 and Digital Voodoo boards are no longer supported.