Viz Mosart Administrator Guide

Version 5.6 | Published July 22, 2024 ©

Mosart Templates Feedback to the NRCS

You can send Mosart templates as MOS objects to an NRCS. The MOS object can then be used by an NRCS operator to insert the detailed Viz Mosart item (rundown event) as a program cue into their rundown (some users call this a “brick system”).

This is an alternative to the Mosart ActiveX, and is the basis for the Viz Mosart web-based application, NRCS Plugin.

In addition to MOS objects that contain Viz Mosart primary template details, a special MOS object can be sent, containing lower third information.

Template Properties Menu

You can view and modify the properties of a selected template.

In AV Automation, select Devices > Template Editor > Template > Properties.


Working with Templates as MOS Objects

Enabling the Template-to-MOS Object Feature

You enable the features described in this section from the Viz Mosart Administrator (MOS version) Settings menu.


Settings Parameters




Used to send templates to NCS through MOS communication.
Enabled: Enables sending templates to NRCS through MOS communication
Default: Enbaled


Some NRCSs (for example, OpenMedia) use objId to identify a template.
The MOS object objId is sent to the NRCS as the channel template ID , defined as GUID.
False: When GenerateUniqueObjectId is false and
- GroupedByType (see below) is false, objId is set to the value of the TemplateSet-Type-Variant.
- GroupedByType is true, objId is set to the value of the template type.

Note: objId is unique among the templates from the same gallery. If the same channeltemplates file is used from two different galleries, MOS objIds are no longer unique.


Use to send all template types as one MOS object, with the variants embedded in the objects from the default template set.

  • The SendAllTemplateSets property must be set to false.

  • The default template set must first be defined in

  • AV Automation: Devices > Template Editor > Template Set > Set As Default.

  • If the SendAllTemplateSets property is set to true, a MOS object for each template type (with the variants embedded in the object) is sent for each template set.

  • If no default template set is set, then no template will be sent to the NRCS.

True: objId is set to the type of the template.
False: Send all template variants as separate MOS objects.
Default: True


Use this option to merge only the clips from the default template set, regardless of the value of SendAllTemplateSets.

True: Send all PACKAGE and VOICEOVER templates as a collection of type “CLIP” to the NCS using the NEWT or UPDT commands in the Manus Admin console.
This property has to be used together with GroupedByType (see above).

  • The default template set must first be defined in AV Automation: Devices > Template Editor > Template Set > Set As Default.

  • If no default template set is set, then no template will be sent to the NRCS.

Default: true

See Appendix section Structure of MOS objects sent to NRCS for details about the MOS object structure when merging clips.


Use to send templates from all template sets to the NRCS.

  • The default template set must first be defined in AV Automation: Devices > Template Editor > Template Set > Set As Default.

False: Send only the default template set.
Default: False


Use to decide whether templates changed are updated in the NRCS.

  • When a template is changed or deleted on the Viz Mosart side, the NRCS will only receive an update if
    - mosReqObjList/mosReqAll (from the NRCS) or
    - NEWT or UPDT (from the Viz Mosart Manus console)
    has been executed at least once since Viz Mosart Manus console was started.

  • Only a template checked in the field Send to NCS (in the Template properties menu), is sent to the NRCS.

True: Always receive updates.

Sending Viz Mosart Template Content to the NRCS

There are two ways to send Mosart templates to the NRCS:

  1. Requesting from the NRCS using commands like

    1. mosReqObjList

    2. mosReqAll

    3. mosReqObj <objId>

  2. From the Viz Mosart Manus console, using commands like:

    1. NEWT: Send the Viz Mosart templates to the NRCS as MOS objects with status NEW.

    2. UPDT: Send the Viz Mosart templates to the NRCS as MOS objects with status UPDATED.

    3. DELT: Send the Viz Mosart templates to the NRCS as MOS objects with status DELETED (meaning that the templates will be deleted).

Note: You can also use the new Viz Mosart NRCS Plugin to quickly drag and drop the underlying MOS object details of a selected Viz Mosart template, directly into an NRCS rundown.

Caching MOS Objects for Sending to the NRCS

All the MOS objects corresponding to the templates sent to NRCS are saved in a cache file

  • MosTemplateCache.xml under %localappdata%\temp\Mosart Medialab\MOS State.

This file is created or updated when Viz Mosart Administrator (MOS version) is started.


This file is useful when troubleshooting, enabling you to verify exactly what MOS objects have been sent to the NRCS.

You can delete it, then perform a fresh request of the templates, using a NEWT command.

Ignoring the templateset Attribute for a Viz Mosart Item

When sending all Mosart templates to the NRCS (SendAllTemplateSets is true), an attribute templateset is set inside the MOS object.
This attribute is used internally to identify which Viz Mosart template set the type and template type (variant) shall be used.

When a rundown is later loaded in Viz Mosart, the NRCS returns the MOS object with this templateset attribute set.


  1. You change the studio setup in the Viz Mosart UI by selecting another Template Set (the active template set) which contains some of the variants used in the previous template set, but with different properties (e.g same CAMERA 1, but with different crosspoints)

  2. The item from the template set referred to by the attribute templateset will be executed, instead of the item from the new, active template set.

  3. To get round this, you can instruct Viz Mosart to ignore the templateset attribute (by setting it to an empty value) from a MOS object coming from NRCS.
    Now the Viz Mosart item from the active template set will be executed.

    1. Do this by adding a mosid tag with value MOSART in newsroomsettings.xml with a keyword set to IgnoreTemplateSet:
      <tag name="some.mosid" value="MOSART" appendContent="false" fieldMapping="false" keywords="IgnoreTemplateSet=true"/>
      <tag name="some.mosid" value="MOSART" appendContent="false" fieldMapping="false" keywords="IgnoreTemplateSet"/>

MOS Object Containing Lower third Information

Usage Notes

Automatic Sending of Viz Mosart Templates to the NRCS

Templates are automatically sent to the NRCS whenever Manus Admin on the Viz Mosart server is started/restarted if Template feedback to NCS is enabled in the Manus Admin settings and TemplateChangeWanted is set to true.
In this case, Viz Mosart will send:

  • All templates from all sets if SendAllTemplates is true.

  • The templates from default template set, if SendAllTemplates is false and a template set has been defined as default.

  • No templates, if SendAllTemplates is false and no template has been defined as default.

See the Settings Parameters table above.

Creating and modifying Templates

  • When a new template is created or an existing template is changed

    • The template set attribute is defined in the MOS object

    • <objGroup> is set to the template set that the template belongs to.

    • On the NRCS side, the template is stored in a folder named after the template set.

  • When a template is changed or deleted, the NRCS will only receive this update when either the commands
    - mosReqObjList/mosReqAll (from the NRCS) or
    - NEWT or UPDT (from Viz Mosart Manus console)
    are executed at least once since Viz Mosart Manus Admin was started.

  • To always receive these updates, set TemplateChangeWanted to true.

    Note: When GroupedByType is set to true, deletion of templates is not handled.

    • Execute UPDT in the Viz Mosart Administrator console or request the templates from the NRCS for update

Hierarchical Template Support

The template feedback to NRCS functionality partially integrates with Hierarchical Templates, supporting the two operations

  1. Requesting a single template set

  2. Requesting all template sets

from a gallery with hierarchical templates.

Note: The management of a template set (NEW, UPDATE, DELETE a template) is not supported.


Assume the following template sets:


  • If template set T1 is requested, then P1, P2 and P3 are sent.

  • If template set T2 is requested, then P1 and C2 from T2 and P2 and P3 from T1 are sent.

  • If template set T3 is requested, then P1 from T3, C2 from T2 and P2 and P3 from T1 are sent.