Viz Mosart Administrator Guide

Version 5.6 | Published July 22, 2024 ©


Viz Mosart is capable of connecting to a variety of graphic engines available from many different manufacturers.

AV Automation handles full frame graphics playout, from a primary template type in the rundown.

The properties available depend on the system to be used:

Vizrt Settings


General Tab

  • Engines: Enables connection to each Viz Engine. Viz Mosart supports five graphics engine connections when checked.

    • Host: Hostname or IP address to Viz Engine.

      Note: A port other than the default (6100) should be added as an appendix to the host. For example: and not to the Port field.

You can add multiple Vizrt Viz Engines to any of the five graphics connections.

- Separate the engine name with a comma (,).
For example: engine1:port1, engine2:port2, engine3:port3

  • All mirrored engines will share the same MSE.

  • You can add up to 9 engines.

    • Port: PDB only: Port to communicate with the Viz Engine. Default: 6100.

    • Handler name: Media Sequencer only: Internal Media Sequencer handler name.

    • MSE Host: Media Sequencer only: Hostname or IP address to the machine running the Media Sequencer.

      Note: For Media Sequencer, both Handler name and MSE Host must be specified.

      You can define a backup MSE here by adding a second IP after a ";"

    • Encoding: Font encoding for the Viz Engine. Default: UTF-8.

    • Clicked Preview: Enables the “click on full screen graphic element” to be taken on the preview engine.

    • Auto Preview: Enable to automatically take all full screen graphic elements in the preview engine.

    • Preview engine: The number of the Viz Engine that is selected to be the preview engine.

  • Database

    • Configure MSE database settings: Enable to update the database settings in the Media Sequencer with the details below.

    • User: Username on the Oracle database. Default: pilot.

    • Password: Password on the Oracle database. Default: pilot.

    • Datasource: TNS name or connection string of the Oracle database. Default: vizrtdb.

    • Schema: Oracle database schema for the Viz Pilot connection. Default: PILOT.

  • Viz Content Pilot

    • Connect to VCP client host (check-box):
      When checked, enables playout of Viz Pilot elements directly through a Viz Pilot client.
      Use of Viz Pilot must be assigned for each template, and the special Viz Pilot macros mosart_load, mosart_start and mosart_continue must exist in Viz Pilot.

      Note: The "Display name" of both configurations must be exactly the same

    • Host: Hostname or IP address to the Viz Pilot client.

    • Port: Port to connect to the Viz Pilot macro port.

  • Miscellaneous

    • Mos Playlist: Playlist in VCP that is populated through the Vizrt MOS gateway. Default: NEWS.ON-AIR-NEWS

      Info: The playlist name used here cannot be the same as that used in Trio Interface > Engines Setup Tab > Playlist > Playlist name.

    • Path Externals: Internal Media Sequencer path to the location for handling database elements. Default: external/pilotdb/elements

    • Local Media Sequencer Engine: Path to the launcher.exe in the Media Sequencer program files folder (only if Media Sequencer is running as a console application on the same machine).

    • Start MSE if not running: If checked and the Media Sequencer is not running, then AV Automation will try to execute it from the location given below.

    • Use Concept Override: If the full screen graphics concept should change when a new Graphics Profile is selected, this is configured here. Check to enable the Vizrt Concept Override if your scenes are prepared for this. Requires Viz Pilot 5.2 or later.

    • Translate Cue for Transition Logic elements: Only applicable when using Transition Logic full screen graphics as the Media Sequnecer ignores a normal cue command for these items.

      • No translate: Send cue command to the Media Sequencer (on Media Sequencer versions below 1.20 no cue will be performed).

      • Take: Use a take command when cuing.

      • Take out: Use a take out command when cuing.

    • Take out full screen graphics: Check to take out full screen graphics. By default, Viz Mosart will not do a takeout for full screen graphics.

    • Apply Channel Name to Elements: This will send the Channel name to be displayed with the graphic elements in the GUI.

Show Tab


It is mandatory to have an exclusive (non-null) value for Show path configured!

Deko Settings


  • Engines: Enables the connections to the Deko engines. Viz Mosart supports five graphics engine connections when checked.

  • COM port: Serial ports connected to the Deko engines.

  • Mach. Id: Machine IDs of the Deko engines. Valid range is 0 to 9. Leave blank to send global commands.

  • Default Directory: The folder on the Deko engine that contains the graphics templates.

  • Clicked Preview: Click on full-screen graphic element to send to the Preview engine.

  • Auto Preview: Automatically send full-screen graphic element to the Preview engine.

  • Preview engine: Defines the Deko engine number.

XPression Settings


  • Engines: Check to enable the connections to the XPression engines. Viz Mosart supports five graphics engine connections.

  • Host: Hostname or IP address to the XPression engine.

  • Channel: Output channel from the XPression engine. Use 0 for default channel.

  • Channel list: Output channel(s) to be cleared when Channel is set to 0.

  • Default directory: The folder on the XPression engine that contains the graphics templates.

  • Clicked Preview: Click on full-screen graphic element to send to the Preview engine.

  • Auto Preview: Automatically send full-screen graphic element to the Preview engine.

  • Preview engine: Defines the XPression engine number.

Orad Settings


  • Engines: Check to enable the connections to the Orad engines. Viz Mosart supports five graphics engine connections.

  • Host: Hostname or IP address to the Orad engine. Include the IP port number, for example

  • Channel: Output channel from the Orad engine. Use 0 for default channel.

  • Channel list: Output channel(s) to be cleared when Channel is set to 0.

  • Default directory: The folder on the Orad engine that contains the graphics templates.

  • Clicked Preview: Click on full-screen graphic element to send to the Preview engine.

  • Auto Preview: Automatically send full-screen graphic element to the Preview engine.

  • Preview engine: Defines the Orad engine number.

Pixel Power Settings


  • Engines: Check to enable the connections to the Pixel Power engines. Viz Mosart supports five graphics engine connections.

  • Host: Hostname or IP address to the Pixel Power engine.

  • Port: Port to communicate with the Pixel Power engine.

  • Default directory: The folder on the Pixel Power engine that contains the graphics templates.

  • Clicked Preview: Click on full-screen graphic element to send to the Preview engine.

  • Auto Preview: Automatically send full-screen graphic element to the Preview engine.

  • Preview engine: Defines the Pixel Power engine number.

Chyron Settings


  • Engines: Check to enable the connections to the Chyron engines. Viz Mosart supports five graphics engine connections.

  • Host: Hostname or IP address to the Chyron engine.

  • Channel: Output channel from the Chyron engine.

  • Channel list: Output channel(s) to be cleared when Channel is set to 0.

  • Default directory: The folder on the Chyron engine that contains the graphics templates.

  • Clicked Preview: Click on full-screen graphic element to send to the Preview engine.

  • Auto Preview: Automatically send full-screen graphic element to the Preview engine.

  • Preview engine: Defines the Chyron engine number.