Viz Vectar Plus User Guide

Version 1.2 | Published April 12, 2022 ©



  • If Viz Engine cannot be started correctly, an error message is shown in the Notifications section of the Dashboard. Viz Engine instances are automatically closed if no longer needed or if the session is closed.

  • An unlicensed Viz Engine will instead automatically start in Configuration mode.

  • Please make sure your Viz Engine licenses are available, see the section Licensing .

  • Viz Engine requires a Graphic Hub connection. See the section Configuring Viz > Database in the Viz Engine Administrator Guide.

  • Viz Scenes need to have a key plug-in or the Auto Key option enabled, otherwise the alpha information is not available and the output stays black.
    See the section Scene management > Scene Settings in the Viz Engine Administrator Guide.


  • Viz Graphics need to match the chosen resolution and framerate.

  • Currently, the Window Capture Input remains black within the Viz Engine UI.

See Also