Viz Vectar Plus User Guide

Version 1.2 | Published April 12, 2022 ©

Installation Requirements


  • Graphics

    • nVidia Board that supports

      • NVenc and NVdec

      • Cuda

    • For Vectar Plus Viz Engine requires

      • nVidia board with OpenGL support

      • Minimum of 6GB of memory for UHD resolutions

  • Disk Space


  • Windows 10 Build 1809 or higher

  • Windows Server 2019 or higher


  • Uninstall any previous version of Viz Vectar Plus before installing the new package.

  • All local settings and configurations are automatically saved and reapplied after an upgrade.

Installation Procedure

Installation has two flavors, a PC-based switcher, or a PC-based switcher with one or two instances of a rendering engine, Viz Engine.

  1. Remove any existing instances of Viz Vectar Plus.

  2. Download your installation software from the Vizrt FTP
    under /products/VizVectarPlus/LatestVersions/

  3. Follow steps in the Installation Wizard.


For Viz Engine installations, please refer to section Licensing.
