Mosart Web Applications Guide
Version 1.6 | Published August 10, 2023 ©
Working with the NRCS Plugin
The NRCS Plugin delivers the functionality previously provided by the legacy Viz Mosart ActiveX Plugin.
User Operations
Searching for a Template
Locate a template by typing a variant or template type in the Search box. Auto-suggest starts displaying search results as you type.
Text highlighting helps with pinpointing search results:
Modifying a Template
To modify production characteristics
Click on a template in the search listing. Properties (called Variables) that have been added to the template (using Viz Mosart's Template Editor) appear to the right.
Note: Variables are called Newsroom tags in the Viz Mosart Template Editor.
You can temporarily override any defaults, and add new variables.
For example, in a Video Effects template, you may wish to change the source of the second input:
The Transition field initially displays the default transition type. This value indicates the most significant template behavior.
You can temporarily modify this transition type, and then later restore the default transition (as originally set in the Template Editor).
You can restore the default transition by clicking the Reset button.
Adding Template Details to the NRCS
Drag and drop the template into the required location of the story slug.
Note: The names of both the gallery and the template set of your selected template are always included with the MOS object that you store as a story item in your NRCS rundown.
Any future use of this NRCS MOS item will always point to exactly the same template (same gallery, template set and template name) when it displays in the Mosart NRCS Plugin.
Template Change Alert
If simultaneous changes are being made to the active template set (by another operator using Viz Mosart's Template Editor), the Refresh button flashes orange.
To fetch the latest changes, click the Refresh button.
Optimizing Your NRCS Plugin Workspace
Collapsing the Type listing
You can save some screen space taken by the Mosart NRCS Plugin by collapsing the Template Types panel:
Click the Collapse button.
Scaling the View
As the Plugin is a web application, you can set your preferred scale by zooming in and out.
For most browsers, you can use the shortcut Ctrl+mouse wheel.
Copying the MOS Object Details
You can work with the template's raw MOS data by first copying it to your PC's clipboard.
From a selected template, click Copy MOS.
Modifying Existing MOS Objects
Your rundown will usually contain slugs with MOS objects that have been created with either this Mosart NRCS Plugin or the legacy component, Viz Mosart ActiveX.
To modify an existing MOS object
On the selected rundown story, double-click the slug or grommet that holds the story's MOS object.
The corresponding Viz Mosart template, complete with any control details like newsroomtags, crosspoints, transition, timings, is displayed in the Viz Mosart NRCS Plugin.
You make modifications direct in the Mosart NRCS Plugin window. -
The name of the template you are working and reference to which template set it is part of, is displayed on the border of the Plugin menu.
When finished editing click Apply, then OK.Note: You cannot modify a MOS object that refers to a not-found Viz Mosart template.
To modify MOS objects created with the Mosart NRCS Plugin
MOS objects created by the Mosart NRCS Plugin include references to the gallery name and template set name.
Note: The active Gallery and/or Template set name may automatically change if your selected MOS object references a different gallery/template set. You are always notified if this happens.
If your rundown item refer to a template set that cannot be found in the gallery, the Mosart NRCS Plugin checks the active gallery and template set for a corresponding template. This valid reference is then applied to the MOS object, when you click Apply on the replacement template.
Alternatively, you can manually search gallery/template sets to locate a similar template.
After editing and clicking Apply, the new (active) gallery and template set name are stored in your rundown MOS object.
To edit MOS objects created by ActiveX
When working with MOS objects that were created with Viz Mosart's legacy NRCS Plugin (Mosart Active-X) the currently selected gallery name and template set name will always be used as template source.
In the Plugin, ensure to select correct gallery and template set before you start editing.
Getting Help
The NRCS Plugin documentation is continually updated and available online. This includes both this User Guide and the Release Notes.
You can also send your feedback directly to the Mosart NRCS Plugin design team.
Click the Question mark icon at the top right:
Error Handling
While navigating through templates, if there are exceptional conditions, the Mosart NRCS Plugin displays an error message.
See the example below:
Please contact Vizrt Support if you encounter any error messages.
API Documentation
The NRCS Plugin also installs the Mosart REST API. Details about the API endpoints are provided in the open API documentation (Swagger Open API (OAS) documentation) at:
Note: Replace localhost with the IP address of the computer on which the API is installed.
Retrieve all galleries:
(A list of gallery names is obtained) -
Choose a gallery name from the list obtained in the previous example. For the sake of this example, assume that Local was on the list. (If not, choose some other gallery name.)
To retrieve the template sets for the gallery named Local: