Viz Engine

Version 3.9.1 | Published February 12, 2018 ©

Video Input: Stream Input

Use the Video Input: Stream Input panel to configure available IP stream input channels. The number of available IP Stream input channels is set in Video Input.

Stream Input Properties


  • Map to VizChannel: Set which video in channel is mapped onto this Matrox video in channel. The drop-down gives a choice between the available channels. Only the channels not already taken are shown.

    • Unused: Do not use this Matrox channel for video input

    • Video <1 to 8>: Captured input is available in Video1.

ProcAmp Properties

  • Brightness: Sets the relative offset on the luminance component of the incoming video (min./max. values are dynamic and determined by the hardware). Default value is 0 (Off).

  • Lumagain: Sets the gain on the luminance component of the incoming video (min./max. values are dynamic and determined by the hardware). Default value is 0 (Off).

  • Hue: Sets the color shift on the chrominance component of the incoming video (min./max. values are dynamic and determined by the hardware). Default value is 0 (Off).

  • Saturation: Sets the gain on the chrominance component of the incoming video (min./max. values are dynamic and determined by the hardware). Default value is 1 (On).

Fill Properties

  • Allow Super Black: Determines whether or not to clip an output video signal that is under 7.5 IRE units. Default mode is Inactive.

  • Allow Super White: Determines whether or not to clip an output video signal that is over 100 IRE units. Default mode is Inactive.
    The colorimetry tables for SD (ITUR-BT 601) and HD (ITUR-BT 709) define a color conversion from YUV with the range of 16-235 to RGB with the range of 0-255. Values above 235 are Super White and values below 16 are Super Black. As Super White and Super Black pixels are outside the range of 1-byte RGB, these pixels will be clamped to the normal 16-235 YUV range when used in a texture.

  • Allow Chroma Clipping: Determines whether or not to clip over-saturated chroma levels in the active portion of the output video signal. Default mode is Inactive.

  • Contains Alpha: Enables/disables playback of clips with alpha.

  • Key Apply Offset:

  • Key Upscale Luma:

  • Key Invert Luma:

  • Shaped: Defines whether the fill from this channel, when the channel is used in DVE mode, should be interpreted as shaped video during DVE compositing. Default value is Inactive.


  • Manager Size:

  • Streaming Size:

  • Pipeline Size: Defines the size of the input queue. Default value is 8.

  • Texturemanager size: Pre-allocated texture buffer size, in frames.

  • Video Delay DVE: DVE video delay when used as DVE.

  • Video Delay Texture: Texture video Delay when used as Texture.

  • Repeat Mode: Determines the behavior of the IP stream input in case of capture drops. Options:

    • None: Does not repeat. Input goes black.

    • Field: Repeats the last field.

  • 3G Level B: Activates Level B for 3G mode in 1080p50/60/60M. Default mode is Level A.


  • VBI: Defines whether VBI should be used for this channel. Default mode is Inactive.

  • Start Line: Defines at which line on the input the VBI section will start. Default value is 0 (Off). The minimum VBI values are (as for VideoOut):

    • NTSC: 7

    • PAL: 6

    • 720p: 7

    • 1080i: 6

  • Delay DVE: Sets the number of frames VBI should be delayed, before the IP stream can be used, in DVE mode. Default value is 0 (Off).

  • Delay Texture: Sets the number of frames VBI should be delayed, before the IP stream can be used, in texture mode. Default value is 1


  • Audio: When activated, this setting enables audio for this channel. When inactive, audio is disabled. Default value is Activate.

    • Channels: Sets the number of audio channels to capture (see also Audio in Viz).
      Default number of channels are 2. Available channel options for AES on X.mio are:

    • None, 1, 2, and 4.
      For AES on X.mio2/X.mio2 Plus and for Embedded the channel options are:

    • None, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.

  • Delay DVE: Sets the number of frames the audio clip should be delayed in DVE mode before it can be mixed to the output. Default value is 4.

  • Delay Texture: Sets the number of frames the audio clip should be delayed in texture mode before it can be mixed to the output. Default value is 4.


  • Source IP Address: Sets the IP address of the source. Must be an IP in the multicast address range, such as or

  • Source UDP Port: Sets the port of the source.

Shared Memory


  • Unique Identifier: Change the name of the Shared Memory, if required. Not available on systems with Matrox X.mio3 IP video boards.