Viz Engine

Version 3.9.1 | Published February 12, 2018 ©

Pinnacle Targa 3200

Pinnacle Targa 3200 was Vizrt’s standard card for SD Viz systems until 2007, and was typically used with IBM ZPro 6221, IBM Z-Pro 6223 and HP xw8200.

Configuration History



CODI v2.42

3213. Revision 3213 crashes the machine when used with CODI v2.41rc13.

CODI v2.41rc13

3212, 3214. Installation of CODI Compatibility Patch for revision 3214 is no more required.

CODI v2.42

3212, 3213, 3214. Installation of CODI Compatibility Patch is required.

CODI v2.2 RC4

3212, 3213

See Also

  • Matrox X.mio Series