Viz Engine

Version 3.9.1 | Published February 12, 2018 ©

Video Input: Clip Input

Use the Video Input: Clip Input panel to configure available playback channels. The number of available clip input channels is set in Video Input.

See Also

Clip Input Properties

  • Pipeline Size: Defines the number of frames Matrox’ internal clip reader buffer should buffer in advance. Default value is 20.

  • Texturemanager Size: Texture download buffer size.

  • Video Delay DVE: DVE Delay of video when used as DVE.

  • Video Delay Texture: Texture Delay of video when used as Texture.

  • VBI: Set to Active or Inactive. Defines whether VBI should be used for this channel. Default mode is Inactive.

  • Delay DVE: Sets the number of frames VBI should be delayed, before the clip can be used, in DVE mode. Default value is 0 (Off).

  • Delay Texture: Sets the number of frames VBI should be delayed, before the clip can be used, in texture mode. Default value is 1.

  • Audio: When activated, this setting enables audio for this channel. When inactive audio is disabled. Default value is Activated.

  • Delay DVE: Sets the number of frames the audio clip should be delayed in DVE mode before it can be mixed to the output. Default value is 4.

  • Delay Texture: Sets the number of frames the audio clip should be delayed in texture mode before it can be mixed to the output. Default value is 4.

  • Contains Alpha: Enables/disables playback of clips with alpha.

  • Upscale Luma: Enables/disables the default for upscale luma. Per scene setting of this value is set per clip channel under Scene Settings and Video clip options.

  • Shaped: Defines whether the fill from this channel, when the channel is used in DVE mode, should be interpreted as shaped video during DVE compositing. Default value is Inactive.

  • Repeat Mode: Determines the behavior of the video input in case of capture drops. Options are:

    • None: Does not repeat. Input goes black.

    • Field: Repeats the last field.

    • Frame: Repeats the last frame.

  • Loop Mode: Enables/disables default for loop mode. Per scene setting of this value is set per clip channel under Scene Settings and Video clip options.

  • Reverse Fields: Swaps fields when playing interlaced clips with negative playback speed (default setting). Per scene setting of this value is set per clip channel under Scene Settings and Video clip options.

  • Pending Enable: Enables/disables pending clip player for this channel. The pending clip player allows clip loading of another clip while the clip channel is still using the current clip.

  • Mode on Load Error: Determines the behavior of the current clip when loading of the pending clip fails. Options are:

    • None: Current clip mode is not changed.

    • Stop: Performs a Stop command on the current clip.

    • Pause: Current clip enters pause mode.

    • Flush: Unloads the current clip.

  • Proxy: If set to Active, video clips of a resolution different to the current configured resolution, can be played. If set to Inactive a video clip of a different resolution cannot be played.

  • Reactivation Delay: Set the minimum number of frames the texture contains black after the channel was activated to texture.

  • Ringbuffer: If set to Active the input ringbuffer is enabled when played with a NVIDIA SDI output.