Viz Channel Branding User Guide

Version 5.2 | Published June 05, 2024 ©

Managing Channel Settings


The following sections cover how to add, remove, export or import channel settings.

Creating a Channel

Create a new channel by pressing the New icon and give the channel a name in the dialog.

To create a new channel

  1. Open the Settings > Channel Settings window.

  2. Select New.
    You are prompted to enter the new channel’s name.

  3. Enter the channel name without spaces (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), and click OK.

Removing a Channel

To remove a new channel

  1. Select channel in Channel drop-down you wish to remove.

  2. Select Remove.
    You are asked if you are sure you want to remove the selected channel.

  3. Click Yes.
    The last removed channel is automatically saved to a %ProgramData%Vizrt\Viz Channel Branding\backup channel\[ChannelName].bkp file, which can later be re-imported back.

Exporting a Channel

To export a channel

  1. Select channel in Channel drop-down you wish to export.

  2. Select Export.


    You are asked if you want to include the playlists and templates along with the selected channel’s settings.

  3. Click Yes or No, as required.

  4. Enter a file name and click Save.

Importing a Channel

To import a channel

  1. Select Import.

  2. Select the XML file and click Open.
    You are prompted to confirm what parameters to override.

  3. Select one of the following:

    • Contents

    • Settings

    • Both

Note: If the imported channel uses the same path to the Viz Graphic Hub as the original, you will be prompted to confirm the overwrite of templates.