Viz Social User Guide

Version 1.1 | Published January 26, 2022 ©


This section includes information about the following:

Telegram Integration

This integration allows individual Telegram users to send messages to a dedicated Telegram bot which passes them on to a Telegram search from where they can be used in Carousels, Polls, and Word Clouds like any other post.

Telegram Bots

Telegram bots are virtual robots or agents designed to listen to real users in the Telegram platform and to forward every message they receive to Telegram Searches running on board of your Viz Social server. Bots can be addressed directly to p2p (Peer-to-Peer) by other Telegram users or live in a Telegram Group/Channel where they capture the complete chat.

Telegram users can look up your bot by its name and start a dialogue with it. Bots are never shared between customers and each customer can own as many bots as they like.


The creation of bots is usually a one-time action. Once the bot is running and installation updated, it becomes available for Searches via a simple

To start the ingestion of Telegram messages received by one of your bots just click on the Telegram icon in Gather, choose the bot you want to listen to from the dropdown and press Save to create your new Telegram Search. From now on all Telegram messages received by the selected bot will be forwarded to the newly created Search.

A Telegram Search can be filtered, paused/played, grouped, and be used for sourcing Formats like any other Search. You will see a /start message for each new user that starts a dialogue with your bot. You can filter these messages out by adding an Exclude filter for “/start”. In case you do not want to see any commands sent to your bot, please add”/*” to the same Exclude filter.


Auto Response

Telegram Searches also supports Auto-Response messages. The text and possible attachment of these auto-responses can be enabled in the Auto-Response tab of the Telegram Search.
Currently, only image attachments are allowed for Telegram auto-responses and just like attachments of incoming messages, the maximum outgoing attachment size is 20 MB.
