Viz Social User Guide

Version 1.1 | Published January 26, 2022 ©

Connecting Instagram Business Accounts

To receive access to their social data, Facebook and Instagram require you to have a:

  • A Facebook Page.

  • A role on that Page.

  • An Instagram account.

You will be connecting the Facebook Page to the Instagram Account, then converting that account to an Instagram Business Account, if it isn't one already. You don't have to be the admin of the Facebook Page, but since you'll be connecting it to an Instagram Business Account, the Facebook Page and Instagram Business Account should be related in some way.

These are the necessary steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page's Settings and click Instagram, then log into your Instagram account:

  2. If the account is not already an Instagram Business Account, you are prompted to set up your Business Profile:


    Fill out the necessary contact information. At a minimum you need to provide one method for your audience to contact you.

  3. After that you have successfully turned your Instagram account into an Instagram Business Account and connected it with the Facebook Page. From now on, when you log in to Viz Social with an account that manages that Facebook Page, the connected Instagram Business Account is available for Searches on Instagram as well.
