Viz Social User Guide

Version 1.1 | Published January 26, 2022 ©


When selecting a Poll Format in Publish, you can immediately see the Poll characteristics as specified in Build, such as the questions and their responses. Next, the cumulative number of votes and a relative fraction (in the form of a percentage) is shown for each alternative. In the middle, there's a column that can be used for manipulating the outcome by manually adding votes to a certain alternative.
The Refresh button can be used to make sure that the latest standings are in sight. If the Poll was set-up as a Manual Publish one, then the Publish button allows the operator to choose the publication moment. Automatically publishing Polls publish periodically with the interval selected in the Build phase.

In-line Publishing of Facebook Live Video Polls

See Polls for the definition and set-up of Facebook Live Video Polls. Independently of Viz Social's own XML/graphics playout, the stream owner can manage the Poll state within the Live stream on Facebook from within Viz Social.
In Publish the Poll state can be managed with the three buttons shown in the left column: Show voting, Show results and Hide poll. These buttons act as follows:

  • Show voting: Shows the voting options. This button is the default.

  • Show results: Shows the current standings.

  • Hide poll: Hides the poll from the viewers.

These buttons are commands and do not provide state information. Please be patient after pressing one of the buttons, as it may take up to 30 seconds before the viewers of the Live Stream on Facebook see the effect of your action.

Views for Polls

Polls have the tendency to saturate over time. This is good for getting stable results, but in case circumstances change, or a correlation of the outcome with other parameters is needed, this is less fortunate and for that reasons Polls have been equipped with Filters/Views.

The View set available in Publish for Carousels and Competitions is also available for Polls. The most obvious added value here is the ability to define time slices to measure opinions and responses prevalent within a particular time frame. This can be either an absolute interval with well-defined start and stop moments, or a relative one measured backwards from the moment the View was applied (the last N minutes, hours, days or weeks). Time Views are available for native and for pre-aggregated Poll types.

For native Polls, where all votes are collected locally, other Views categories are available well: Text, Exclude, Source, Originator, Media, Tags.

Views can be set up in the same way as for Carousels and Competitions and are volatile (no data is removed or modified, and they can be removed at any time to return to the original unfiltered data set).

Publishing Poll Groups

In Publish Poll, Groups behave identical to regular Poll. Moderator counts can be added at will and the timing of publication can be triggered manually if necessary. Publishing data from the Poll Group does not affect publishing of its member Polls (both can be active simultaneously).