Viz Social User Guide

Version 1.1 | Published January 26, 2022 ©


Viz Social systems run on dedicated hosted servers. Viz Social’s standard platform comes with a set of system resources that has been optimized for intensive day to day use. For smooth planning and operations, it is important to be aware of the default capacity and the conditions under which additional resources have to be commissioned.

Practical Recommendations

  • Limit concurrent user access to three users when moderating 100k+ posts.

  • To prevent unforeseen collisions let a single user publish to a certain endpoint.

  • To guarantee sufficient dedicated resources, manage one production at a time.

  • Run at most five traditional Polls in parallel (for Searches with 100k+ posts).

  • Run at most 50 pre-aggregated / external Polls in parallel.

  • Store at most 10M posts per system and at most 3M posts per Search.

  • A standard Viz Social server running a Twitter Firehose Search is able to harvest at least 200 Tweets/sec in real time. Temporary surpluses are buffered and processed with a delay.

    Note: On request, support can add resource extensions to process even higher volumes in real-time, without delays.

Social API Considerations

  • Run at most 100 Searches in parallel per Viz Social system, further limited by:

    • A maximum of 12 parallel Twitter ‘with history’ Searches per Twitter account.

    • A maximum of 30 different #hashtags per week per account for Instagram Searches.

    • A maximum of three parallel Instagram #hashtag and Comment Searches (combined).

    • A maximum of two YouTube Comment Searches or two Live Chats (max 1.5 hours).

  • When searching for Facebook or Instagram Comments, make sure that the related Facebook Page is visited by active users (one active visitor/day » one Search).

  • Do not create or modify Twitter ‘no history’ Searches more often than once a minute. Do not schedule the start of multiple Searches for the same minute.

  • By default, Twitter allows each account to submit at most 2400 Tweets per day.

    Note: This also applies to Viz Social’s auto-response Tweets. Support can assist discussing temporary capacity enhancements with Twitter in case this does not suffice.