Viz Pilot User Guide
Version 8.3 | Published November 30, 2018 ©
Viz Pilot System
The Viz Pilot system provides an optimal environment to create, manage and deliver high volumes of top-quality content to live and taped news, sports, election and other broadcast productions, independently of the design department.
The Viz Pilot system can serve as the core content control system for broadcasters that require speed, consistent look, and a streamlined workflow for their graphics and video content.
Graphics templates that are used in the Viz Pilot system are built in Template Wizard. Vizrt’s superior 3D renderer, Viz Engine, is the output source for Viz Pilot driven graphics, video embedded in graphics and fullscreen video.
The Viz Pilot system has two main roles in the broadcast production line:
Content Creation: The Viz Pilot system provides a unique and easy solution for the creation of graphics and video content. Data can be entered either directly into Director, or through our Newsroom Integration using Viz Pilot News. Data can then be added to a playlist for playout automation.
Playout Automation: The playlist in the Viz Pilot system allows playout of graphics and video in a seamless way. Playlists are typically created in newsroom systems or Director, and can be monitored and played out using Director or other third party control applications. Elements can be triggered in Director, through GPI or third party integrations.
This section contains the following topics:
Note: For a complete overview of newest features and bug fixes, see the release notes.