Viz Pilot User Guide
Version 8.3 | Published November 30, 2018 ©
Viz Trio resources can be used in a Director playlist. Viz Trio has all its shows and pages (similar to Director’s data elements) stored and organized on the Media Sequencer.
This section contains the following topics:
Trio Panel
Context Menu
Trio Panel
Show view
When clicking the Trio button, the Show tab is selected by default. The left pane displays the folder(s) that organizes the different shows stored on the Media Sequencer. The right pane lists the show(s) organized under each show folder. A show contains pages (data elements).
Tip: Hide the Show pane by clicking the vertical oblong arrow button.
Elements view
Context Menu
Context menu for the columns:
Name: Shows the names of the elements.
Description: Shows a description of the elements.
Auto Width: When enabled (selected), Auto Width expands the columns and distributes them evenly.
Enable Sorting: When enabled (selected), Enable Sorting enables the user to sort the list (ascending/descending).
Context menu for the resources:
Show Templates: When selected, Show Templates will display all templates in the currently selected show as well as all the pages.
To open a show
Double-click a show (e.g. Viz Trio Show.show) to see its pages (data elements).
To add elements to a playlist
Drag and drop pages (data elements) from the Elements view onto the playlist.