Viz Pilot User Guide
Version 8.3 | Published November 30, 2018 ©
Storage and Backup
This section gives general recommendations on storage and usage of control room and newsroom configuration data.
Viz Pilot Data
Media Sequencer Data
Viz Pilot Data
In addition to information stored on the Media Sequencer and in Viz Pilot’s database, the Viz Pilot system’s INI files and playlists are important to backup when needed. INI files are used for local configurations for the application itself, third party integrations, and overrides of database settings. All of the Viz Pilot system’s playlists, both local and newsroom playlists, can be exported and imported for backup and transfer to other Viz Pilot system installations.
Media Sequencer Data
The file default.xml is a Media Sequencer file. The file holds a stored copy - of the memory held information - over control application client settings, user data for graphics templates, references to scenes on the database, stills in the still store and video clips.
For a backup it is recommended to set up the system, then save a copy of the _default.xml _remotely to more easily set up a new build of a similar machine in the event of a system failure.
The default.xml file stores all persistent data, and at regular intervals the Media Sequencer creates a backup file named default.xml.1, which again replaces the file default.xml.2. In a failure situation where default.xml may get corrupted, default.xml.1 is used to create a new instance of default.xml. If default.xml.1 is also corrupted it will try to use default.xml.2.
Microsoft Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Vizrt\Media Sequencer
Microsoft Windows Vista and 7:
%ProgramData%\Vizrt\Media Sequencer