Viz Pilot User Guide
Version 8.3 | Published November 30, 2018 ©
Registry Settings
The table below shows the default registry settings and some others that might be useful for Director and Viz Pilot News. Before altering registry settings it is recommended to check with a local Vizrt representative or support person. It is also recommended to test changes before applying them to a production system.
Registry settings that are not covered are either legacy settings and no longer supported, or are not to be changed. The table below covers those settings that can be changed during installation or manually using the Registry Editor.
Start Windows’ registry editor (regedit.exe) and open the following path to edit your parameters:
Windows 32-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE[vizrt]
Windows 64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node[vizrt]
Registry Settings
Key |
Name |
Description |
ActiveX\ DataBroker |
DatabaseName |
Sets the database name for Viz Pilot News. Supported values are TNS name alias, connection string or a full TNS connection string. |
Password |
Sets the database username |
UserName |
Sets the database username |
ActiveX\ TemplateFiller |
BCSDeviceName |
Sets the name for the device that is connected to the Avid iNEWS Control Air (formerly known as iNEWS Broadcast Control System (BCS)). Default device name is cg. |
BCSTemplateName |
Sets the template name. Default is pilotdata. This must be configured in Avid iNEWS. See also BCSDeviceName. |
insertBCSTag |
Set this to 1 to insert the BCS values in the iNEWS production cue. If using MOS, set this to 0. See also BCSDeviceName. |
mosID |
MOS IDs are created by Newsroom Computer System administrators. |
Disables (1) the database connection. Default is enabled (0).See Working without a Database Connection. |
PreviewDisabled |
Enables (0) or disables (1) both local and remote preview for Viz Pilot News.Default is enabled (0). |
PreviewHost |
The preview host is set during installation. This setting will override the database settings, and can be hostname or IP address.For failover, PreviewHost can have more than one host and port number defined.<host> defines the Viz Engine hostname for remote preview.If <host> is set without a trailing <port> then the PreviewPort number must be set.Parameter:<host><host>,<host>,<host> ...<host>:<port>, <host>:<port> ... |
PreviewPort |
By default set in the database. This setting will override the database settings. Default ports are 50008 (multiple connections) and 6100 (single connection).<port> defines the Viz Engine port number for remote preview. |
PreviewSizeX |
By default set by Viz Engine. This setting overrides the aspect ratio set by Viz Engine. |
PreviewSizeY |
By default set by Viz Engine. This setting overrides the aspect ratio set by Viz Engine. |
PreviewSocketTimeOut |
Viz Pilot News will wait for a socket connection to the local Viz Engine before continuing. By default the “activex_preview_socket_timeout" setting (see Database Parameters) would be set in the database if needed; however, the same setting can also be set in the registry to override the database setting. Recommended default value is 10000 ms. |
PreviewTimeOut |
By default set in the database. This setting overrides the database parameter setting for “activex_preview_socket_timeout" (see Database Parameters). Default value is 10000 ms. |
StartBlank |
Enables (1) Viz Pilot News to start without fetching the data elements for each template; hence, this setting can be used load and start Viz Pilot News faster. Default is disabled (0). |
use_utf8 |
Enables (1) or disables (0) the use of UTF8 when writing to the database. It is NOT recommended to disable UTF8 if the database configured to use UTF8. Default is enabled (1). |
Enables (1) Viz Pilot News to be used with the Viz Device Manager. Default is disabled (0).See also BCSDeviceName. |
Preview Engine |
ShowConsole |
Enables (1) the Viz Engine console to always be visible when using local preview. This setting will override the user preference. Default is disabled (0). |
Viz Pilot |
Oracle database hostname. Note that INI file settings will override registry settings. |
Oracle database SID. Note that INI file settings will override registry settings. |
Alternative to a full connection string. If a TNS name file is configured, setting the path may be used to set a different location than Oracle’s default location, and to avoid conflicts with similar database connections defined as a local environment variable. |