Viz Mosart Administrator Guide

Version 4.1 | Published November 09, 2022 ©

AV Automation Devices GPIO

GPI functionality supports triggering any template from the currently active template set and including a selection of control commands.
Adding GPI/O control to a device is performed in Viz Mosart AvAutomation.


  • GPO (1-12): Enables a WebIO box for the first 12 GPO when checked.

  • GPO (13-24): Enables a WebIO box for the second 12 GPO when checked.

  • GPO (25-36): Enables a WebIO box for the third 12 GPO when checked.

  • GPO (37-48): Enables a WebIO box for the fourth 12 GPO when checked.

  • Host: Hostname or IP address to the WebIO GPI/O box.

  • Port: Port to communicate with the HTTP WebIO protocol.

  • Password: Defines the password, if needed.

  • GPI 0 (check box): Enables initialize Viz Mosart rundown when the external pulse is received.

  • GPI 1 (check box): Enables start/continue the Viz Mosart timeline from an external pulse.

  • GPI 2 (check box): Enables starting Viz Mosart rundown on the first story on the external pulse.

  • GPI 3 (check box): Enables rehearsal mode off.

  • GPI 4 (check box): Enables rehearsal mode on.

  • GPI 5-11 (check boxes/custom): Enables firing of the template or command given in the text box.

DirectTakes via GPI

As taking a template using GPI would add the corresponding template to the timeline, which is not always wanted, you can instead use a DIRECTTAKE control command.


DIRECTTAKE|<the Recall Nr of the direct take>

Example: DIRECTTAKE|99

Triggers direct take 99


The figure below connected GPI 9 to firing direct take 999


  • Assign a direct take to a GPI between 5 and 11

  • Restart AvA

  • Trigger this GPI
    This can be done from within AvAutomation by pressing SHIFT+CTRL+<no> where <no> is the GPI number + 1.
    For example, SHIFT+CTRL+0 will invoke GPI 9

  • Verify that the corresponding GPI is executed

  • Direct takes are shown in the AvAutomation Log window (lower left) when taken.

To Trigger Direct Take Templates via a GPI

  • To trigger a direct take (which can then further trigger multiple control commands from a GPI) use the GPI/O tab in AvAutomation > Devices > Properties as shown in the figure below.


Syntax for GPI 5-12

DIRECTTAKE|<the Recall Nr of the direct take>

Note: A GPI/GPO device must first be configured. The configuration of GPI/GPO devices is done in AV Automation Devices GPIO.

Testing GPI signals without the use of GPI

If a GPI/GPO device is configured, as shown in the figure above, any GPI signals 0-9 may be simulated using the keyboard sequence CTRL+SHIFT+<number> inside AvAutomation to trigger a corresponding GPI.
This is an easy way to test the GPI configuration.
For example: CTRL+SHIFT+6 will trigger GPI 5

Sample Configuration (W&T Web-IO)

GPI is enabled by attaching a device capable of sending GPI signals to Viz Mosart. The configuration below shows configuration of a W&T Web-IO device capable of 24 GPI/GPO connections. This configuration uses at a maximum 24 GPO signals. A maximum of 12 GPI signals can be used to control Viz Mosart.

GPI 0-4

The first 5 GPI signals are connected to fixed Viz Mosart commands for backward compatibility.

The signals are as follows:
GPI 0 - Reload rundown, Will trigger a rundown reload event. I.e. the timeline will be stopped and the current rundown will be reloaded from the NCS cache.
GPI 1 - Start/continue rundown. Will trigger the TAKE-NEXT event and with start the timeline or advance to the next timeline element
GPI 2 - Start rundown from top. Will start the rundown from the first story
GPI 3 - Disable rehearsal mode
GPI 4 - Enables rehearsal mode

GPI 5-11

The next 7 GPI signals may be custom assigned to either a Mosart Control Command or to fire an arbitrary template within the currently active template set.

Triggering Mosart Control Commands

To trigger a Mosart Control Command enter a valid command in the text field associated with the GPI signal. Supported commands:

ClearForegroundGraphics - Removes all CGs
SkipNextStory - Skips next story item
UnskipNextStory - Unskips next story item
TakeLastGraphicsOut - Removes last CG
TakeManualGraphicsOut - Removes manual CGs
PlayCuedVideoServer - Plays out the last cued clip on a video server
PausePlayingVideoServer - Pauses the currently playing clip on a video server
StopPlayingVideoServer - Stops the currently playing clip on a video server
RecueCuedVideoServer - Recues the last cued clip on a video server

Triggering a Mosart Template

This can be used to trigger a Mosart template within the currently active template set

Syntax: [TemplateType]|[Variant]

  • Example: Camera|1

Triggering a direct take

This can be used to trigger a direct take

Syntax: DIRECTTAKE|<the Recall Nr of the direct take>

  • Example: DIRECTTAKE|99

  • Triggers direct take 99

Hardware Configuration

For this example, you must configure the in- and out-ports as required for the GPIO system as per their own specifications.
The Web-IO physical device can be configured via a browser pointed to the box’ IP address.

  • To get into the configuration menus select Config > Login > Administrator login from the start page.

Note: Configuration changes will only be saved after clicking the Logout button.

Mosart IAT/SAT

  • For testing from Mosart, the new configuration is either directly loaded, or inspected and used for setting the inport 0 manually.
    Inspection and comparison may be necessary should the load fail. If necessary reset the box to factory settings before using the configuration below.

  • You only need to set the port minimum pulse filter to 100ms and the input type to positive pulse (three separate settings).
    These settings are found under the inport nodes in the menu tree.

  • If you use port 0 it becomes very easy to test Mosart, as this is hardwired to the Reload Rundown function.

Preparation of test circuit

  • This requires two pieces of wire, ~20cm, stripped (and preferably tinned) at the end.

  • To set up the box for generating an input test pulse, interconnect the terminal strip ground connector for power supply ground (the outermost VCC connector) with the outermost GND connector, across the box. This establishes a common ground between power supply side and the input logic circuits.


    • It is not possible to simply take the output of one output port and feeding it straight back to the input side, as the outputs are meant for relay circuits (“current drivers” - very low voltage)

    • The 12 in 12 out version requires an external relay

    • The inputs requires 8V referred to GND to detect a pulse.

Testing GPI 0

  • To generate the input pulse, connect a piece of wire from the other VCC connector and briefly touch the connector for Inport 0 (the pulse must be >100ms).

  • A green light beside the connector will briefly light up if successfully triggered. Given that AV Automation has GPIO enabled and is also enabled for Input 0, any loaded rundown will reload, clearly visible on the Mosart GUI.

  • Configure GPIO with the file containing the working configuration (a sample file is available internally at Vizrt)

If the GPIO will not import the configuration file directly, a workaround is to save the current configuration and using Notepad++ (or similar) to compare the difference between the new configuration and the existing configuration. Amend the configuration on the existing configuration to match the new settings.