Viz Engine Administrator Guide
Version 3.12 | Published October 17, 2019 ©
RTP Streaming
Viz Engine can send and receive RTP streams by using DSX Core or the Matrox M264 board.
Note: RTP streaming requires a Mezzanine IP license! Currently only progressive formats are supported.
Receiving RTP Streams
The following configuration needs to be set to configure for RTP Stream Input:
GPUDirect should be turned Off.
use_compositor should be 0.
An NTP server must be set. e.g.
The color conversion rgb_2_yuv should be set to shader (=1).
The stream input should be set to e.g. 720P_5000_SMPTE296.
The StreamIn1.SrcUdpPort needs to be set to an even port number (e.g. 20000).
Note: The port number should always be even.
StreamIn1.SrcAddress is the senders IP number.
StreamIn1.NICAddress is the IP address of your local network interface card that is going to receive the stream.
StreamIn1.AudioDecoderBufferSize should be set to 255.
StreamIn1.VideoDecoderBufferSize should be set to 255.
To simulate a 720p RTP stream to, you can use ffmpeg with the following parameters:
ffmpeg.exe -re -f lavfi -i smptehdbars=s=1280x720:r=
[out0] -c:v libx264 -profile:v high422 -pix_fmt yuv422p -x264-params
-b:v 20M -minrate 10M -maxrate 10M -bufsize 10M -c:a aac -ac
-f rtp_mpegts -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb rtp:
This generates a test pattern in 720p and sends it to on port 20000.
Sending RTP Streams
These are the required settings to generate a RTP Stream output from Viz Engine:
Set the output system to e.g. 720P_5000_SMPTE296.
GPUDirect should be turned Off.
use_compositor should be 0.
An NTP server must be set (e.g.
The color conversion rgb_2_yuv should be set to shader (=1).
Matrox0.VideoOut1.SrcUdpPort should be set to an even port number (e.g. 10000).
Note: The port number should always be even.
Matrox0.VideoOut1.DstUdpPort is the destination port you want to use (e.g. 10002).
Matrox0.VideoOut1.DstAddress is the destination IP address you want to send to.
Matrox0.VideoOut1.NetworkInterfaceIPAddress must be your local NIC IP address.
To verify the correct output, you can use ffplay from ffmpeg tools:
ffplay rtp:
//{source IP of your Viz Engine}:{destination port} e.g. ffplay rtp://