Tracking Hub Administrator Guide

Version 1.7 | Published January 16, 2024 ©

New in Viz Virtual Studio 1.7


Security Improvements

A complete rework of the internal IO components enable the removal of outdated communication components. This improves the security and reliability of Tracking Hub.

Improved Rendering in Studio Manager

The timing and preview panel have been updated to the latest version of OpenTK. This results in an improved performance and higher framerate in the preview panel.

NDI Workflow

Tracking Hub is now able to handle embedded tracking data in the NDI stream. The tracking data in the NDI stream must follow a specific format which is documented in the NDI SDK documentation. Currently, two camera models are supported and certified. These models are the PTZ3 UHD and PTZ3 HD. Tracking Hub is able to extract the the tracking data without decoding and encoding the video. This improves performance of CPU and GPU.


Filter for unplausible tracking values

In rare cased it can happen that an encoder delivers wrong or erratic vales. A plausible filter allows to filter out such erratic sparks.


Additional a new least square filter was introduced, which is able to smooth jittery encoder values.

Improved timing monitoring

New measure methods are implemented to measure the travel time of tracking packages in the network.