Viz Licensing Administrator Guide

Version 2.0 | Published December 03, 2018 ©


This page contains answers to the following frequently asked questions:

Can licenses be updated during run-time?

When the ticket activation process starts, any license verification calls of Vizrt software are temporarily blocked. This means that the current operation runs without interruption against the former license status until the ticket activation process completes.

What should I do if my software container is corrupt?

Changes in the hardware configuration of a computer (replaced motherboard, graphic card, CPU, ...) are the most common reasons for a corrupt software base license container. In this case, the license cannot be used anymore and the container needs to be deleted by Vizrt. You have to request a new license at your regional first-level support then.

To get a replacement license please provide us the following documents:

  • Official statement that describes the case (hardware is broken or stolen, ...).

  • Photos of damaged hardware.

  • In case of stolen parts, enclose the notice of a loss.

  • ID of the corrupt container or the computer name from which the container is located.