Viz Mosart Administrator Guide
Version 5.0 | Published November 09, 2022 ©
Settings Editor iNews
To simplify setting up the connection to iNEWS, the Manus Admin console includes a configuration tool called frmSettings XML Editor.
To open the frmSettings XML Editor, open the Manus Administrator console, then type settings followed by ENTER.
The editor comprises several sections, each dedicated to a collection of settings:
Auto preview overlays: Lists graphics destinations that support preview of overlay graphics (i.e. DSK enables preview of all overlay graphics with handler=DSK). Default: Empty = no preview.
Auto preview overlays early: Enable preview of overlay graphics as early as possible. When set to False, the preview will be displayed only when the graphics is the next item to be taken.
Auto Take Offset: Sets offset for the autotake function. Default: 0.
Default Handler Name: Defines a default handler name for all graphics that have no handler name. This can be configured using DefaultHandlerName setting in Manus Administrator. Default: DSK.
Default Lower Third Out Behaviour: Default method for taking out a lower third.
Force clip editorial time: Shows Editorial time in GUI. Default: False
Frame rate: Determines the frame rate of the system. Valid rates 25, 29.97, 50 and 60.
Ignore updates if nothing changes: Ignores story update from the NRCS if the updated story is assumed to be equal to the current version of the story when set. Default: False (no NRCS story updates are ignored).
Keep story status on updates from NCS: Keeps played out stories gray if the story is updated in the NRCS when enabled. Default: False
MetaData creator priority: Overrides priority timing information from the video file's source. Select between:
Newsroom editorial time
MAM duration
Full video clip length.
Separate IDs with commas. Use the name of the Media Administrator entry. Special names are NCS (for information from the NRCS) and GLOBAL (global values from media object).
If Empty, Viz Mosart inserts NCS as the first and GLOBAL as last entries.
Default: Empty.
Minimum clip length: Sets the minimum visible length of an offline clip in a story in the GUI. When Viz Mosart receives clip information the visible length is updated. Default: 5 (ss:ff).
MyPort: The port used for other Viz Mosart applications to connect to the Manus Administrator. Default: 8085.
Network exclude: Manus Administrator automatically enters idle mode on network failure.
This property is a CSV list of network names to ignore when monitoring networks. Default: Empty (monitor all networks). -
Network include: Manus Administrator automatically enters idle mode on network failure.
This property is a CSV list of network names to monitor for network failure. Default: Empty (monitor all networks). -
Offset secondary events with mix delay: Secondary events follow primary events mix delay.
For example, a lower third element is delayed with the same mix delay as the package it is to be keyed on. Default: False -
Pause Automation timing on first Break: When enabled, any first story with a single break template will not start the automation server rundown timing (Elapsed rundown duration).
The timing will start when the next story is taken. This does not affect the NRCS timing. -
Preload Accessory Cue Delay: Defines the delay between end of cue the next item and when a pending preload/pretake accessory shall be executed.
Time is in frames. Default = 6 frames, so the accessory preload/pretake functions takes place after the cue operation is done in AV Automation with an additional and configurable delay of Preload Accessory Cue Delay frames. -
Reset AutoTake on 'Clear Loop': Disables the autotake mode automatically when using the clear loop function from the GUI when enabled. Default: True
Server description: User-defined descriptive name of the server that is displayed in the Timing Display.
Should upgrade: For internal use only. Do not change. Default: False
Startup in idle mode: Determines whether or not the Manus Administrator is idle at start-up. For normal Viz Mosart operation, this setting shall always be True, so that the Viz Mosart server starts up in Idle mode. Switching between Idle and Active mode shall in normal operation, be done from the GUI. Default: True
Story Compare Ignore Attributes: Used for debugging purposes only. Default: Empty
Templates allowing graphic pretake: Lists template types that allow pretake of overlay graphics elements. Available template types:
Only the first graphic found on the next item is taken and this is taken immediately regardless of its start time.
Note: For graphic pretake to work, make sure the Pretake overlay on handler setting is also configured in the Newsroom Settings Editor.
Transitions on Accessories: Allows transition effects on accessory templates when enabled. If disabled, any transition effects are removed from accessory templates when translating newsroom XML into Mosart XML. This is how it has been, historically.
Use Take Out Logic: Enables the CG takeout functionality. When two CG graphic objects with the same graphic IDs are next to each other, the first one is not taken out, only take in on the second object is executed.
When True, enables the takeout functionality for overlay graphics. Default: False. -
UseItemStatusToNCS: Sends online offline CUE/PLAY/STOP status to the NCS when enabled. Default: False
Configuration File Paths
AvConfig: The path to the XML-file containing the audio and video mappings defined in the AV Automation application. Default: c:\channeltemplates\avconfig.xml.
Channel templates: The path to the file containing the Viz Mosart templates built in the AV Automation Template Editor. Default: c:\channeltemplates\channeltemplates.xml.
Manus Directory: The path to the folder containing copies of the internal Viz Mosart rundown. Default: c:\manus.
Newsroomsettings: The path to the XML-file containing the mappings from newsroom system commands to Viz Mosart templates. Default: c:\channeltemplates\newsroomsettings.xml.
Crossover Configuration
ConnectionString: The connection string of the crossover, for example: controller=IP address, client=crossover. Default: “”
Crossover Auto Take On Switch Offset: Offset in milliseconds to pre-take an autotake when the next story item is after a crossover switch.
A positive value triggers the autotake before the given duration of the story item.
A negative value triggers the autotake after the given duration of the story item. -
Crossover Set Next On Switch Delay: Delay of sending set next story from the server running the show when taking control. Default: 500 (milliseconds).
Default Item Durations
Break: The minimum length given to the BREAK template type in the rundown. If no time is given in the NCS, then this time is given to the element. Default: 100 (frames).
Camera: The minimum length given to the CAMERA template type in the rundown. If no time is given in the NCS, then this time is given to the element. Default: 125 (frames).
DVE: The minimum length given to the DVE template type in the rundown. If no time is given in the NCS, then this time is given to the element. Default: 125 (frames).
Full-screen-graphic: The minimum length given to the FULLSCREEN GRAPHIC template type in the rundown. If no time is given in the NCS, then this time is given to the element. Default: 125 (frames).
Item: The minimum length given to any template type in the rundown. If no time is given in the NCS, then this time is given to the element. Default: 100 (frames).
Live: The minimum length given to the LIVE template type in the rundown. If no time is given in the NCS, then this time is given to the element. Default: 125 (frames).
Lower-third: The minimum length given to the Lower-third template type in the rundown. If no time is given in the NCS, then this time is given to the element. Default: 100 (frames).
Telephoneinterview: The minimum length given to the PHONO template type in the rundown. If no time is given in the NCS, then this time is given to the element. Default: 125 (frames).
Video Clip: The minimum length given to the CLIP template type in the rundown. If no time is given in the NCS, then this time is given to the element. Default: 125 (frames).
iNews Configuration
Server: Hostname or IP address where the iNews FTP server is running.
User Name: Username of a valid iNews FTP account. Normally the name of a valid iNews user with access rights to the iNews FTP server.
Password: Password of a valid iNews FTP account. Normally password to a valid iNews user with access rights to the iNews FTP server.
FTP Port: iNews FTP port.
Encoding: Character encoding of the iNews story items. Should match the encoding used in iNews.
Default: Encoding for the operating system's current ANSI code page.
Use FTP active mode:
True: Active mode where Manus Administrator establishes the command channel but the iNews server is responsible for establishing the data channel.Note: In active mode, the client starts listening for incoming data connections from the server on port M. It sends the FTP command PORT M to inform the server on which port it is listening. The server then initiates a data channel to the client from its port 20, the FTP server data port.
False: Passive mode where Manus Administrator establishes both channels.
Note: Where the client is behind a firewall and unable to accept incoming TCP connections, passive mode may be used. The client then uses the control connection to send a PASV command to the server and then receives a server IP address and server port number from the server, which the client then uses to open a data connection from an arbitrary client port to the server IP address and server port number received
FTP active port range: Ports used for Active mode. The format is '<low_port>..<high_port>', random ports are used when left empty or the format is wrong. Useful when the current machine has certain ports that are blocked or used for other purposes.
Only used when active mode is selected. Similar to the iNEWS environment variable RXDATAPORTRANGE. Because a new connection is opened for each data transfer (listing directories, downloading stories) the port range must be sufficiently wide ( ~100 wide range works in most cases ).
When the port range is left empty or the format is invalid, random ports are used.
When the port range is not wide enough, the rundown won't fully load.
These situations are indicated in the Manus Admin console and in the logs. For example:
Prefer FTPS connection:
True: FTPS encryption is used if supported by the iNews server. Otherwise it falls back to plaintext FTP communication.
False: Using plaintext FTP communication.Because FTP uses a dynamic secondary port (for data channels), many firewalls were designed to snoop FTP protocol control messages in order to determine which secondary data connections they need to allow. However, if the FTP control connection is encrypted using TLS/SSL, the firewall cannot determine the TCP port number of a data connection negotiated between the client and FTP server. Therefore, in many firewalled networks, an FTPS deployment will fail when an unencrypted FTP deployment will work. This problem can be solved with the use of a limited range of ports for data and configuring the firewall to open these ports.
FTP connection type and status are reported in Manus Admin:
With FTP:
With FTPS:
Working Directory: Initial directory in iNews. Viz Mosart provides access to all rundowns stored hierarchically within this directory.
Default: SHOW -
Default Rundown: Deprecated.
Ignore Send Cue Status To NCS For Offline Clips: Enable this flag to prevent the NCS from receiving CUED or READY statuses of offline video clips.
Default: False -
Refresh Media On NCS Update: Triggers clip refresh for all clips that belong to a story being updated, normally via story updates from NCS when set to True. This ensures that all clip information is synchronized.
Default: False -
Time to delay initial devices while waiting for NCS to add story: Delay of displaying the loading rundown when rundowns are published to Viz Mosart.
Default: 500 (milliseconds)
iNews Web Service Configuration
Web Service Connection: Connection string.
Example: WebServiceServer=localhost; iNewsServer=; iNewsUsername=mosart; iNewsPassword=mosart; SendUpdatesStatusForAllItems=true; ClearStatusWhenRundownReloaded=true
Ignore verbose events filter: Semicolon based list of events to ignore in the log when using verbose logging. Default: Empty (log all events)
In use: Enables or disables the logging of events from the Manus Administrator to the logfile. Default: True
Log level: Sets the detail level of logging to the log file: 0=normal, 1=warnings, 2=errors, 3=info, 4=detailed
MSMQ Log limit: Value to identify when the application should dump the log queue to file. Default: 4023
Pass verbose events filter: Semicolon based list of events to log when using verbose logging. Default: Empty (log all events)
Path for MMLog: The path where the Viz Mosart Log is stored. Default: MosartLog
Trace internally: Enables or disables internal tracing to console, for debugging only. Default: False
Use verbose logging: Enables or disables verbose logging. If UseLogging is set, verbose increases the details sent to the log. Default: False
Manus Configuration
Default Manus: Selects the default rundown to use. If the setting UseDefaultManus is set to True, the system loads this rundown on startup.
Manus expiration time: Number of days to keep Manus Administrator files. Older files (than that number of days) are deleted when Manus Administrator is started.
Default: 60 (files are deleted after 60 days).
Legal values: -1 (never deleted), 1 and above (number of days until deleted from manus folder). -
Manus keep file pattern: If ManusExpirationTime is given this property allows a list of file search patterns for files to keep in the Manus Administrator directory.
For example, "TEST*;DEMO??.xml" keeps all files starting with “TEST” and all DEMO??.xml files where ‘?’ denotes a wild character.
Default: Empty (no files to keep).Note: ‘;’ is used to separate the file search patterns.
TestManus: Rundown to be used for maintenance purposes.
Use the default selected manus: Initializes the rundown given in the Default Manus setting automatically when enabled. Default: True
Read Speed
Read Speed: Number of words read per minute by the anchor. Applied to the prompter text to determine the duration of an announcement, which is then the length of the green camera bar and the green part of the voice-over bar in the Viz Mosart GUI. Default: 145 (words per minute)
Words are usually taken to be the parts of text separated by space characters. See the setting Use character for read speed word below.
Note: This is a fallback read rate which is only used when the NCS System fails to provide a ReadRate of its own. This function can be tested by changing any readrate=”xx” to readrate=”” on an item in a local Manus file.
Use character for read speed word: If True, each character counts as a word for the purpose of calculating the spoken duration of prompter text, see Read Speed above.
This option can be useful for languages like Chinese and Thai, where words are not separated by using the space character. If False (default), words are separated by space characters.
Template Database Configuration
ConnectionString: The connection string for the Template DB. For example, for MySQL: server=<hostname>; User Id=<user>;Password=<password>; database=mosarttemplatedb.
Default inserter: The name to be used for the insertedby and updatedby columns in the Mosart Template Database.
Name of provider: The provider name for the Template DB. For example, MySql.Data.MySqlClient for MySQL.
Use template database: When true, enables the Template DB functionality, i.e. importing template type aliases from DB to newsroomsettings.xml at startup, and exporting newsroomsettings.xml to DB after saving newsroomsettings.xml. Default: False.
Viz Media Sequencer Configuration
Mse Playlist Panel Host: The host address of the Media Sequencer Engine (MSE)
Configure or change an existing MSE host to activate the MSE Playlist panel. The Playlist panel users active (touch or click-sensitive) thumbnails of graphics held on an MSE.
The Viz Mosart UI needs this MSE connection defined in order for the user to see the Playlist panel (View > Floating windows > Playlist Panel). See Viz Mosart User Guide, section Viz Mosart user Interface >MSE Playlist Panel.